Vizsla Chewing Teeth: The Definitive Guide

Vizsla Chewing Teeth: The Definitive Guide

It is not an uncommon fact that Vizslas are chewers. They will chew until they are sick if not given the proper items and training. But do you know why chew and how to stop it? Besides this, are you aware that Vizsla has chewing teeth?

Chewing teeth in Vizsla is a phase. It usually hits when the dog is between six months and one year of age. However, some dogs do not experience it at all. The chewing phase is also popular in the teething stage, and Vizslas go through this same thing as other dog breeds.

In this article, we will talk about Vizsla chewing teeth and how to help a teething pup. We will also be covering other common issues that appear during the phase, such as nipping or biting with Vizslas’ toys.

Vizsla Chewing Teeth: Teething Phase Overview

Teething is how permanent teeth replace the animal’s milk teeth as they grow into adults.

Puppy teething is a difficult time for any pup. But Vizslas have special considerations to take into account.

With Vizslas, it can be difficult to tell when the puppy’s first top teeth are coming in as they have a natural camouflage brought about by the white hairs that grow on their tongue.

Additionally, the Vizsla has a “dark” gumline. And it can be hard to notice when the first teeth are coming in. So it is understandable if you might miss some of this crucial developmental stage.

Common Tooth Issues In Vizsla During The Chewing Teeth Phase

It is essential to keep your Vizsla’s teeth clean and healthy during the teething phase.

It also helps if you can provide some relief for their gums, which are often sore at this time. A wet washcloth or a gauze pad soaked in cold water will help soothe their pain – be sure not to put anything frozen on their gums.

Some common problems related to the teething phase in a Vizsla include:

  1. Drooling excessively.
  2. Chewing on various objects – such as shoes, furniture, or anything else that is accessible
  3. Biting and chewing on people’s hands when they are petting the dog
  4. Excessive chewing of carpeting or furniture

How To Help A Teething Vizsla Puppy Or A Chew-Happy Adult

Vizslas that are teething will typically chew on anything and everything they can get their tiny teeth into. No toy or object is so precious, expensive, or rare that a puppy cannot destroy with sharp teeth.

Teething puppies or chew-happy adults need supervision. If Vizslas are chewing on things you do not want them to touch, you should train and supervise them well.

The most common items that Vizslas enjoy chewing are shoes and furniture. So, it is best to remove them from the living space to avoid breakage.

Give Them Toys With Hidden Treats

Excessive chewing can lead to some serious dental problems for the Vizsla. So it would be best if you did everything in your power to reduce this behavior.

One way of preventing this behavior is by providing a dog with appropriate chew toys – such as an indestructible Nylabone chews or a “Kong” toy filled with their favorite food. One of these solutions includes using a product called “Kong,” a toy with an edible center and various toys hidden throughout its interior. Of course, the dog will have to work to get the Kong out of its original container, which should keep them busy for a while.

Rawhide Bones And Chew Toys

Another great option is rawhide bones and toys. You can find these things in most pet shops or online retailers. Since these are usually tougher than your average dog toy, Vizslas will need to work at chewing on these until they break apart into small enough pieces to swallow.

Retrieve And Replace Toys After Each Play Time

Sometimes, Vizslas will get so into a toy that they refuse to let go of it – even when the object fully cram their mouth and saliva is dripping down onto whatever surface they’re standing on. It can be dangerous for the dog, so retrieving the toy and replacing it with a new one after each play session is essential.

Are Vizslas Chewers?

Chewers are a type of dog that is prone to biting. Vizslas often have problems with chewing behavior, but this might be because they tend to chew on things to keep their teeth clean and healthy – which could also explain why they can’t seem to stop doing it.

Why Do Vizslas Chew?

Vizslas love to chew, and it is one of the most common behavioral problems for these dogs. Unfortunately, it can cause severe damage if not dealt with properly.

It is difficult to say why Vizslas chew with such ferocity – it could be due to the teething process, or maybe they are just born that way. The best thing you can do for your dog during this stage of their life provides them with a variety of appropriate toys and chews that will keep their teeth clean and healthy.

When Vizsla is teething, they will chew on anything and everything that they can find. There are lots of ways to help your Vizsla with the teething process. You can provide them with obedience commands, which will distract them from chewing on essential items. You can also try giving your Vizsla rawhide bones as they will be difficult for them to destroy while teething.

How To Stop Vizsla From Chewing?

The best way to get your dog to stop chewing on things in your home is by providing them with chew toys that will satisfy their need for a good gnawing experience without ruining any essential or valuable items. There are many different types of chew toys that you can purchase, which will provide your Vizsla with a satisfying chewing experience without the worry of them ruining any valuable or essential items in your home.

Toys For Your Vizsla During Chewing Teeth Phase

Some of the toys for Vizslas can be very helpful during their chewing teeth phase. However, it would help if you always supervise your dog. Such toys include:

  • Chew Toys And Play Time For Ezvid’s Pet Shop
  • Ezvid’s iDogs toy
  • KONG Dog Toys – Regular And Extreme
  • Nylabone Chews For Dogs: Rawhide Bone, Original Flavor
  • Rope Tugs With Handles For Vizslas (Standard)
  • West Paw Zogoflex Qwizl Interactive Treat Dispensing Ball for Dogs
  • Zogoflex Hurley Treat Dispensing Dog Toy for Vizslas (Large)
  • Benebone Wishbone Chew Toy for Dogs: Original Flavor
  • Nylabone Healthy Edibles Dental Dinosaur Bone For Puppies And Adult Dogs
  • Kong Jumbler – Interactive Pet Ball, Cat or Small Animal Toys

At What Age Will A Vizsla Stop Biting?

The average age your Vizsla will stop chewing or biting varies depending on breed and age. Of course, one’s inclination would be to get aggressive and punish your dog for doing something so annoying, but this is not the solution.

The age at which a dog will stop biting depends on the individual animal and its environment or circumstances. For example, some dogs might only start chewing on things when teething, while others might have more serious behavioral problems that cause them to bite at any given opportunity.

Vizslas typically stop biting when they reach about 16 months of age – though this is not always consistent for every dog.

How To Stop Your Vizsla Puppy Biting?

If your Vizsla is biting or chewing on things that it should not be, there are a few steps you can take to try and stop these habits from developing. It might seem like you can’t get them out of the practice once they start. But with patience and persistence – all behaviors can change over time.

Positive Reinforcement

The first thing you can do is try to provide your Vizsla with plenty of positive reinforcement. Usually, this includes giving your dog treats and rewards when they behave the way you prefer them to act.  Positive reinforcement will hopefully teach them what behaviors are acceptable in your home and which ones to avoid.

Moreover, this process could take a while. So, you must be patient and make sure to stick with it.

Negative Punishment

Another way to try and get your Vizsla to stop biting or chewing things they shouldn’t is through negative punishment, which will teach them that their actions have consequences. It includes removing the item from their reach and scolding them in a firm but the calm voice for doing something you would like them to stop.

Obedience Training

It is important to remember that obedience training will help prevent unwanted chewing or biting from your Vizsla. It includes teaching them commands like ‘leave it’ and ‘drop it.’ In addition, they can use it when they find something you would not like them to have in Vizslas’ mouth.

Train your dog for these types of behaviors and provide them with chew toys to satisfy their chewing needs. Besides this, you should also make sure they are not alone during the teething phase. So, they do not develop any serious behavioral issues.

Tips For Chewing Vizslas At Home

There are a few tips that can help to control the chewing habit of your teething Vizsla at home:

  1. Providing your dog with various types of chew toys is an excellent way to keep them occupied when you are not around.
  2. Be sure to monitor your Vizsla’s chewing habits. So you can provide them with a safe toy for the type of surface they like to chew on.
  3. Always choose toys made out of dog-safe materials, such as rubber or rawhide – these will be more likely to satisfy their needs and keep them from chewing on other things in the house.
  4. Teach your Vizsla to drop items you don’t want them to have by using commands like ‘leave it’ and ‘drop it.


In conclusion, Vizslas typically stop chewing and biting when they reach about 16 months of age.

Positive reinforcement and obedience training are great ways to teach your Vizsla what behaviors you want them to show. While negative punishment will help get them out of any bad habits that might be developing – such as chewing on things in the house or around the yard.

Still, as a Vizsla owner, you need to pay attention to their needs during the chewing teeth stage of life. If you provide proper care for your Vizsla’s chewing needs and teach them what is and isn’t acceptable behavior in your home, you will be able to help shape their behaviors tremendously.

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