My Vizsla Puppy Is Getting Fat | What Should I Do?

My Vizsla Puppy Is Getting Fat | What Should I Do?

Vizslas are pretty famous as hunting dogs. It is because they are very active and need lots of exercise. But, unfortunately, it can lead them to become overweight if they don’t get enough activity, overeat food or have any other health issues like arthritis or hip dysplasia, for example. But why do you think your Vizsla puppy is getting fat, and what should you do.

When your Vizsla puppy starts getting fat, it can be challenging to know the best course of action. Fat Vizsla’s need many short walks and play sessions, but they also might benefit from a vet visit.

A Vizsla’s weight is around 20 – 25 lbs when it’s healthy, which means that anything over should trigger an immediate trip to the veterinarian.

In this article, there is a list of six different causes for your Vizsla to be overweight and the consequences of being overweight.

My Vizsla Puppy Is Getting Fat | What Should I Do?

It can be worrisome if you know the consequences of obesity in Vizslas. Hence, I will give you all the ideas about what you should do if you have a Vizsla puppy and get fat.

Take Them To The Vet

First, the most important thing to do when your Vizslas starts gaining weight is to take them for their regular vet visit if you are unsure about what caused the weight gain or are at risk of developing an illness because they could be overweight. It’s also vital that your dog gets quality exercise and a diet appropriate for its size.

If your Vizsla is overweight, you need to take them for a vet visit as soon as possible and figure out the root of the problem. There are many causes of obesity in dogs, and one or more may apply to your dog’s situation. It could also be from an underlying medical condition they have.

Exercise Your Vizsla

If your dog is overweight, it’s essential to start on an exercise routine. Dogs can lose weight by running or walking at least 20 minutes per day. You could also take them to the park where they will be able to run around. Allow them to exercise.

Balanced Diet For Your Vizsla

If they are not getting regular exercise, make sure you feed your Vizslas a healthy diet appropriate for their size. Some people feed their dogs too many treats, which leads to obesity in its place of hunger. An excellent way to avoid this is to never give your dog anything as a reward.

If you are not sure what diet is best for your Vizsla, ask the vet or another expert on canine nutrition, and they will be able to help you come up with an appropriate diet plan. In addition, many veterinarian-recommended weight loss foods that can help your dog lose weight.

Watch Your Vizsla Eat

If your dog is overheating, it might have a medical condition like Cushing’s disease. However, the most common reason for obesity in dogs is dietary indiscretions. If you notice that your dog gulps their food down or even stops and then goes back to eat more, later on, you might need to impose some restriction on their food intake.

Physiotherapy For Your Vizsla

A thing that you can do for your Vizsla is to give them physiotherapy. It will help in the rehabilitation process for any underlying medical conditions they may have. It will also feel good to your dog because there is a lot of pressure on their joints when overweight or obese, leading to arthritis if not addressed.

How To Tell If Your Vizsla Is Getting Fat?

It is always difficult to know if your Vizsla has gained weight. You may think it looks like he/she’s is a little chubby. But you cannot be sure that the puppy will not outgrow this “Vizsla puppy fat.” There are ways to tell if your dog is overweight, however.

Look Carefully At The Body Of The Vizsla

Pay careful attention to the curves of your Vizsla’s body. If you can see a space between his ribs and hips, he is on track for obesity later in life.

Feel The Ribs Of Your Vizsla

You can feel the ribs of your Vizsla by gently touching them with a hand. If you cannot handle the ribs, then your dog may be overweight.

When feeling your dog’s rib cage, if it feels too prominent or sharp, there’s a chance that he may be overweight.

Check Your Vizsla’s Breathing

If your Vizsla is breathing heavily or panting, this might mean that they are working too hard to live and maintain their average body temperature – which would indicate an obese dog.

Examine The Base Of Vizsla’s Tail

The base of your Vizsla’s tail should be fat-free. When you feel the bottom of his tail, if it is fatty tissue or a bit too thin and floppy, this can indicate that he may be overweight.

Check The Behavior Of Your Vizsla

Take note of how much energy your dog has – does he play for hours? Does he have a hard time getting up and down the stairs? If so, he could be overweight.

These are all indicators of obesity in your Vizsla puppy. Keep an eye out for these signs as your dog grows into adulthood to make sure you can take prompt action if necessary!

Why Is My Vizsla Puppy Getting Fat? Causes Of Overweight In Your Vizsla

There are many reasons that your Vizsla may be overweight. Diet is a significant factor, primarily if you feed table scraps or give them too much human food instead of dog food. Obesity in dogs usually has an imbalance between calories consumed and those expended by the individual animal. Some breeds have a predisposition for obesity, like Vizslas.

Some of the causes of overweight in your Vizsla are:


Diet is a significant factor, primarily if you feed table scraps or give them too much human food instead of dog food. Obesity in dogs usually has an imbalance between calories consumed and those expended by the individual animal. Some breeds like Vizslas are susceptible to obesity, which means they get fat more than other breeds that don’t carry this trait.


An improper exercise regimen or not enough exercise to burn off the calories consumed.

A lack of mental stimulation and a high-energy dog are likely also contributing factors. In addition, insufficient exercise and playtime outside can also cause obesity in Vizslas.

Heredity and Age

Old Vizsla gets fat faster because they don’t exercise as much and have a slower metabolism. Young vizslas usually grow out of this problem when they mature. But it’s not uncommon for older Vizsla to be overweight from lack of activity or stimulation.

Some dogs are more prone to getting fat than others, and it may have something to do with genetics. Also, when they get a little older, their metabolism slows down along with the rest of them – making weight control difficult for your vizsla pup.

Excessively Dry Food Diets (especially kibble)

Dry food diets, especially kibble, are low in water content. As a result, it can lead to dehydration and weight gain for your dog.

Gastrointestinal Issues

Dehydrated food diets (especially kibble) may also cause gastrointestinal issues. These issues lead to obesity because dogs suffer from a difficult time digesting the food they eat.

Spaying Or Neutering

Spayed or neutered dogs tend to put on weight faster because their metabolism slows down after surgery.

Excessive Grooming

If your Vizsla spends a lot of time grooming, it might put on weight because they are not burning off the calories.

Too Much Attention

You don’t want to overfeed or under-exercise an animal with separation anxiety issues. They may overeat and become inactive when left alone for too long.

Consequences Of Obesity In Your Vizsla

If your dog is overweight, many consequences might not seem evident at first glance.

Fatty Liver Disease

The fat buildup on the liver causes it to become fatty and inflamed, leading to scarring or cirrhosis of the liver (a risk factor for liver cancer).

Heart Disease

There is a significant increase in the risk of heart disease, kidney problems, respiratory difficulties, and diabetes. These ailments are all made worse by obesity because it puts more strain on these organs.

Breathing Difficulty

Additionally, your dog will have difficulty breathing if they’re carrying extra weight around their body – making normal activities much more tiring for them.

Exams and Tests For Your Vizsla

The vet will often recommend that you get a physical examination of your dog. It might include blood tests to see any underlying medical problems or ailments related to obesity. They may also do X-rays on the abdomen area to assess how much fat there is in your dog’s body.

Possible Solutions to Obesity In Your Vizsla

The solution for any of these problems depends on the severity and what may have caused it. But there are a few suggestions that might help:

  • Encourage physical activity by playing games with your Vizsla or taking them walking.
  • Give your balanced dog meals of high protein and low fat. That way, they will be able to burn off the calories more effectively.
  • Please don’t allow them to sleep for extended periods during the day because that can make it difficult to work off their energy levels. And it also leads to weight gain in humans as well.
  • Always provide fresh water for your dog, and don’t give them too many treats.


There are a few ways to tell if your Vizsla is overweight. First, if you notice that he has excess fat around his belly or rib cage, he may be too heavy for his breed. Second, when feeling the ribs of your dog, make sure you can feel them under their fur and skin – any space between these two parts could mean that they’re overweight.

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