Do Vizslas Bark A Lot? How To Stop Vizslas Bark?

Do Vizslas Bark A Lot? How To Stop It?

The Vizsla is a famous Hungarian sporting dog with excellent hunting skills and intelligence. However, while Vizslas are also pointers due to their impeccable smelling ability, they have one major flaw – barking. This post will answer questions about why Vizslas bark so much, how to get them to stop barking, tips on disciplining your pup.

Vizslas are pretty chatty. If you have a Vizsla, you know that they tend to bark more than other dog breeds. The thing is, when Vizslas bark, it can be challenging to figure out what they want.

There are many reasons why your Vizsla might be barking. Some of them are simple to fix. Others might take some time. The best way to stop Vizsla from barking is to use positive reinforcement training.

Many things can help you control your pet’s barking, some you might not know about. We’ll go over them here, and hopefully, by the end, you will have a better idea of how to get your Vizsla to stop barking.

Do Vizslas Bark A Lot?

Vizslas are a hunting breed that makes an excellent watchdog. Thus, this makes Vizsla one of the most vocal breeds on the market today. Though it’s not entirely clear why some dogs bark more than others, many factors could lead your Vizsla to howl or yip.

Vizslas are exceptionally vocal dogs. It is partly due to the breed’s history as a hunting dog. It meant they needed to announce their presence when nearing the game. Unfortunately, today this trait often implies that your Vizsla will bark at anything from strangers walking down the street to an unfamiliar car coming up your driveway.

What Makes Vizslas Bark?

Vizslas are vocal dogs breeds. So, it is not unusual for you to notice your dog barking. However, some reasons why Vizslas bark is:

  • Vizslas bark to communicate.
  • They can be territorial, which is why they’re more likely to bark at others on their property than off it.
  • Sometimes vizslas will also vocalize as a sign of excitement or distress.
  • Separation Anxiety is also a common cause of barking.
  • Dogs are social beings, and sometimes they’ll bark to get your attention or when it’s time for dinner.

Why Does My Vizsla Bark So Much?

There are many reasons why your Vizsla may bark excessively or for prolonged periods. Territorial guarding is one of the most common reasons, though others include fear and excitement. To stop this behavior, you’ll need to identify what’s causing it and redirect their energy into something more appropriate, like interacting with people calmly, fetching a toy instead of barking at a stranger, or doing something else to redirect their energy.

If a stranger approaches your home and your dog feels threatened, then it’s likely that they’ll bark to scare them off or defend themselves if necessary. Though this may be an instinctual reaction for many dogs, you can teach your Vizsla to stop barking by redirecting their energy into more appropriate behaviors.

A Vizsla may also bark when they feel bored or anxious. These are two reasons why many dogs will sometimes start howling in the middle of the night for no apparent reason. Though it’s not always easy to tell what might be causing your dog pain or distress, there are some common causes for excessive and prolonged barking.

How To Get Vizslas To Stop Barking?

People usually breed them for their barking ability. However, most owners also used Vizslas as hunters in Central Europe or bird dogs. They would alert their owners when a game bird had taken flight, and the hunter could then shoot it with his gun.

Thus, many Vizsla owners also ask: how do I get my dog to stop barking? If your Vizsla is barking excessively and you are looking for a solution, first try to teach your dog not to bark.

When this does not work, consider talking to your veterinarian about prescription medication options. They may help calm down an overactive vizsla. If you do end up giving your dog medication, it may be worth looking into natural alternatives as well.

Vizslas start to bark when they hear an unfamiliar sound outside or see someone new on the property. As such, Vizsla owners should teach their dogs that barking is okay in certain situations but not others (such as when it’s nighttime).

How Do You Discipline A Vizsla?

Of course, not all dogs are the same. So it’s essential to keep in mind that what might work for one Vizsla may not be an effective strategy when working with another dog.

For example, punishment-based techniques can often lead your dog to associate their owner or handler as a threat rather than someone they can trust and rely on. As such, punishment-based methods are not suitable for Vizslas. They can make the barking problem worse.

Sometimes Vizslas might be excessively barking because of separation anxiety or fear. In such a case, it may be time to seek the advice of a professional dog trainer.

How Many Days Does It Take For Vizslas To Stop Barking?

In many cases, Vizslas require several weeks of training before they stop barking excessively for no reason. Some Vizslas may stop barking on their own. But may need to teach others to act correctly by using positive reinforcement training techniques.

It only takes a few minutes out of your day to make all the difference in your comfort level with your dog.

What To Bring On A Walk With My Vizsla?

It may also be helpful to bring along a muzzle or at least some sturdy plastic wrap so that your dog can wear something over their muzzle while you walk them if they are barking excessively.

Remember, the goal of this technique is not to punish your Vizsla. But instead to help them learn the appropriate and necessary time to bark. For example, it can be when there’s someone at the door. However, the barking time shouldn’t be in the middle of the night.

What To Do When My Vizsla Is Barking?

If your dog barks excessively, avoid saying his name or shouting. Instead, try to speak in a low voice so that you don’t startle him but let them know that you are there and they should stop barking.

When you know why your dog is barking, try to distract him with a toy. You can even give them treats, puzzles and let them out the door to run around for a while. However, if it becomes clear what triggers your Vizsla’s excessive barking, do everything you can to avoid situations where your dog may start barking.

How Will I Know If My Vizsla Feel Scared?

The body language of a dog that is anxious can vary. But some common signs associated with fear include:

Tucked Tail

If your Vizsla’s tail is entirely under his body instead of its usual position near the top of his back, he may be feeling scared and vulnerable.

Cowering Behavior

Some dogs will crouch down and lean away from another animal or person if they feel frightened.


Dogs may also yawn when they feel nervous, scared, or anxious to try and calm themselves down (similar to how humans often use deep breathing as a relaxation technique).

Whale Eye

If your dog is feeling scared, he may also roll his eyes so that the whites of their eyes become visible. It often occurs when dogs are trying to avoid conflict with other animals or people. It is their way of showing that they mean no harm. They would rather not fight about whatever has set off this response in the first place.


In conclusion, Vizslas can be an excellent pet for someone living in a household with children. Vizslas are usually one of the most popular and family-friendly breeds around. They love to play and enjoy a lot around kids.

The only thing you must be concerned about is their balanced diet and exercise. You must give Vizslas enough exercise and mental stimulation if your Vizsla doesn’t seem quite so content. It would be best to try taking it on walks, playing with different toys and teaching it some tricks.

Good luck with your new Vizsla adventure!

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