Do Vizsla Puppies Sleep A Lot?

Do Vizsla Puppies Sleep A Lot?

Vizslas are the ultimate and most popular family dogs. They’re great with kids, protective of their families, and playful with other pets in your home. So, of course, when you bring a Vizsla into your life, it’s essential to know that they need plenty of rest for all this activity. But do you think Vizsla puppies will sleep a lot?

Vizsla puppies are very energetic and love to play. They have a lot of energy, and it is only possible because they sleep a lot. But not just at night; Vizslas also get up for the day and go to bed when it’s dark out to stay on their natural schedule.

In this article, we will discuss how much sleep Vizsla puppies need, why they sleep so much, and where they should have their snoozes.

Do Vizsla Puppies Sleep A Lot?

The answer to this question is that Vizsla puppies sleep a lot as they grow. Therefore, there are different stages of sleep-in for these dogs. However, they all happen between periods of wakefulness.

The first type of sleep is “quiet rest,” which happens during the day when the puppy’s muscles stop being so active. It takes up about 25% of their total daily sleep time and typically lasts around one hour after waking up from a nap or just before going to bed at night.

There are also two other types of daytime naps: “active rest” (15%) and “light sleep” (10%). These can last anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour.

What Happens When Vizsla Puppies Sleep?

There are five stages of sleep that a dog can go through. While they all require restful periods where the puppy closes the eyes, there is also different brain activity during each stage.

The first three stages – ‘delta,’ ‘theta,’ and ‘beta’ – are where the puppy is in deep, restful sleep. The fourth stage involves more brain activity than any others (referred to as “alpha”). But it still doesn’t include active motion or reflexes like a dog might have when they wake up.

Finally, the final stage is REM. It is when the dog moves their legs and paws as it dreams. Vizsla puppies spend more time in stage four than any other type of sleep. It is why these dogs are such good nappers.

Why Do My Vizsla Puppies Sleep So Much?

It’s not unusual for a puppy to take up 90% or more of their day sleeping, but that doesn’t mean they’re not living. Vizslas are so active during the morning and evening hours with playtime, walks, training sessions, etc., which means that these puppies need a lot of deep sleep to give them enough energy for all those activities!

  • Puppies are growing and need to sleep a lot.
  • Puppies have a lot of energy in the morning and evening hours, meaning they need time for deep sleep.
  • Vizslas are very active during the morning and evening hours with playtime, walks, training sessions, etc., which means that these puppies need a lot of deep sleep to give them enough energy for all those activities!

What Is A Vizsla Puppy’s Sleep Cycle?

The average sleep cycle lasts about 12 hours, with a puppy sleeping for an hour or two in the morning, several naps during the day, and another long nap at night. It differs from person to person, whether they’re more of a deep sleeper who needs eight hours of sleep or a light sleeper who can get by on less.

Do Vizsla Puppies Sleep At Night?

Vizslas are not nocturnal animals. They don’t rely on the hours of darkness to get their deep sleep. So the best place for a dog’s bed is where you can see it on your own. But that way, each member of the family knows when they’re getting up and going to bed.

Vizslas do not sleep during the night. Instead, they typically get up for a few hours, take a nap or two during the day, and then go back to bed around midnight or later.

One of their favorite spots is on couches because they love to be where you are! While Vizsla puppies can sometimes exhibit behavior that looks like they’re sleepwalking, that’s not true. They love to be where you are.

Where Should Vizsla Puppies Sleep?

A dog’s bed should be in a common area where they can see it from their place. But that way, each member of the family knows when they’re getting up. It helps alleviate any separation anxiety and is an easy sign to tell if your pup feels ill or not!

The best place for a dog’s bed is where you can see it from your own, but that way, each member of the family knows when they’re getting up.

Because these puppies need a lot of deep sleep, they usually nap on their bed. Your puppy must have its very own area where it knows it is safe and can rest. So, it is better not to disturb them with anything while sleeping.

How Do Vizsla Puppies Sleep?

Vizslas have different types of sleep throughout the day, and they all take place to keep them healthy and happy. The first type is “quiet rest,” which happens during the day when their muscles are inactive, and it takes up about 25% of their total daily sleep time. There are also two other types of daytime naps: “active rest” (15%) and “light sleep” (11%). These can last anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour.

How Much Sleep Does A Vizsla Puppy Need?

Vizslas are very active dogs that can’t get enough of running around outside or playing with toys. But, unfortunately, this means that these puppies need a lot of deep sleep to give them enough energy for all those activities!

They need a minimum of 12 hours of sleep, but Vizsla puppies need more than that. They have a lot of energy from morning to evening, and they are multiplying. The average sleep cycle lasts about 12 hours, with the puppy sleeping for an hour or two in the morning, several naps during the day, and another long nap at night.

It differs from person to person, whether they are a deep sleeper who needs eight hours of sleep or a light sleeper who can get by on less.

How To Help Vizsla Get A Comfortable Sleep?

If your puppy is restless when it’s time to go to bed, you can try a few different things:

  • A warm bath before bed with calming lavender and chamomile essential oils.
  • Please turn off any screens at least 30 minutes before they should be going to sleep (television, computer).
  • Make sure there is no noise or distractions that might keep them awake.
  • A dream feed before bed will help your pup get a good night’s sleep. Then, feed your puppy all the food they will have for dinner about an hour before bedtime.

Some of the things that your Vizsla need for a comfortable sleep are:


It’s important to remember that you should never use the dog crate as a punishment. But only when your pup feels tired and ready for sleep. You can also try putting some lavender essential oil on your hands before giving them treats in their crate. So it becomes associated with relaxation.


You don’t need an air conditioner if you have a fan because it can help your pup cool down and sleep comfortably. Some other ways to keep them comfortable while they’re sleeping is to provide lots of water, take their temperature often, and give them enough space to stretch out in.

Heated Blanket

Vizslas have a high metabolism, so it is crucial to keep them warm. In addition, it is essential for older puppies and dogs that are more susceptible to the cold. You can do this by buying a heated blanket or putting some warm water bottles under their bedding. So they have something cozy to cuddle with while they sleep.


It’s okay if your Vizsla sleeps with their toys because they provide comfort and security while dreaming! However, it can also help you know what kind of dreams your pup has from chewing on the same toy every night before bed.

Why Do Vizsla Sleep Under The Covers?

Vizsla puppies sleep under the covers because they are cold-blooded animals and need to be warm at all times. If you have a heated blanket, your pup might find it more comfortable to cuddle with while sleeping because of the heat.

Besides, sleeping under the covers can help your Vizsla stay safe and warm, especially if they are older and more susceptible to the cold.


In closing, Vizsla puppies need a lot of deep sleep to give them enough energy for all their activities. So they sleep on their bed in the same place every single night. So they will either be napping there or sleeping hard through the night without waking up.

Vizsla puppies need to preserve their energy for proper growth and development. Thus, they need extra sleep just like human babies. Besides this, these puppies also need a qualitative meal with adequate exercise and physical stimulation.

Hence, keep all this in mind if you want your Vizsla puppy to live a longer and happier life.

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