Vizslas Health Problems And Issues: What Do They Die From?

Vizslas Health Problems And Issues: What Do They Die From?

Vizslas are a wonderful and loving family pet. You will find that these dogs have lots of energy, love to play, and enjoy being around all family members. They desire human interaction but can also be independent if you leave them for a while. Although Vizslas are pretty easy to keep in your house, there are still some issues that you need to focus on. The main one is the health problems of Vizslas and what do they die from.

Vizslas are prone to various health issues and problems. The most common among them are hip dysplasia, cancer, heart problems, and epilepsy. Hip dysplasia is a common problem in dogs with symptoms including difficulty running or climbing stairs, limping, hind end weakness, and even paralysis of rear legs.

Along with these, your Vizsla may even suffer from skin problems, eye infections, allergies, kidney diseases, dental issues, and more. Such health issues can be hazardous if you do not treat them sooner.

This blog post will discuss Vizsla health problems & issues and how you can get rid of them!

Are Vizslas Healthy Dogs?

Yes, most of the time. Vizslas are active, bright-eyed, and they live to be 14-16 years old. However, there is a high chance of developing health problems if the Vizsla does not have enough exercise or food in its diet.

Most of the time, your Vizsla will appear healthy even with the excess fat. However, it would be best to keep in mind that there are certain areas of their body where they are vulnerable to developing health problems such as hips and shoulders.

Do Vizslas Have Health Problems?

Yes! As with any dog breed that has been around for many generations, Vizslas will have health problems. Vizslas are very active dogs, so you will find them running around the house. As a result, they tend to develop hip dysplasia and heart problems without a balanced diet with enough proteins.

Further, Vizsla being Vizsla likes to eat and chew everything they find adjacent to them. So, dental problems, infections, and allergies are also common among them. Similarly, most owners spoil their dogs with human foods that their beloved pets cannot digest. And this leads to constipation, diarrhea, and stomach problems.

Most Common Vizslas Health Problems & Issues

Vizslas are not a healthy breed. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a “healthy” dog, but Vizsla’s health problems and issues can be much more severe than in other breeds.

Joint and Spinal Disorders

Most Vizslas have health problems. For example, joint and spinal disorders happen to Vizslas often.

When a Vizsla has a joint or spinal disorder, they will display symptoms of pain. You can manifest the pain in different ways depending on the dog’s personality. Some dogs may act out and become more aggressive as their pain grows, while others are fearful and withdrawn. The type of discomfort a Vizsla suffers from might depend on the severity of the injury.

Kidney Failure

Kidney failure is a common Vizsla health problem. It occurs due to infection, organ disease, or other factors.

Kidney failure is often the result of another disorder. For example, kidney disease or cancer can cause Vizsla’s kidneys to fail over time.


Cancer is a common Vizsla health problem. Like most breeds, cancer can develop in your dog’s body at some point during its life span.

The most common types of cancers found in dogs are lymphoma and bone marrow tumors. The form liver or brain tumor will also be possible if not treated immediately by surgery to remove the growth.

Cancer affects older dogs who are ten years old or more. Cancer symptoms include skin lumps, tumors on eyes and eye sockets, sudden blindness, and lesions on other body parts.


Like many dog breeds, Vizslas are prone to developing allergies at some point in their life. Often they will be “itchy” dogs with dry skin and constant scratching due to this allergy problem. In most cases, an allergy occurs due to food ingredients or other environmental factors.

Lameness or Arthritis

Vizsla’s often suffer from arthritis because they have big joints compared to other breeds. As a result, they are not as great at bearing weight, so that arthritis can set in.

Arthritis is a common Vizsla health problem. Joint inflammation or damage may occur due to injury, old age, improper nutrition, obesity, and other factors.

Heart Problems

Most Vizslas have heart problems. Even if they are not visibly apparent to an untrained eye, heart diseases such as arrhythmias (irregular heartbeat) result due to many factors such as genetics, obesity, injury, and other causes.

Among the most common and well-known Vizsla health problems & Issues is possible heart disease. The signs to look out for are lethargy, depression, anorexia or weight loss, coughing up foamy mucus with red blood cells in it (indicating bleeding), sudden collapse without warning, and an elevated heart rate.

They can suffer from heart issues called Subaortic Stenosis with other possible cardiovascular diseases like Mitral Regurgitation.

Eye Infections

Eye infections are another common Vizsla health problem. They can result from inflammation due to trauma in the cornea or an infection of the inner eyelid called blepharitis or other causes.

Skin Diseases

Skin diseases are also common among Vizslas. It may be due to the heavy amount of fur that covers their skin, leading to a buildup of bacteria and yeast in the hair follicles.

Dental Problems

Dental problems are also common among Vizslas. One problem is malocclusion or misalignment of the teeth. It can cause abnormal wear and tear on the other teeth compared to a regular dog.


Epilepsy is a disease quite common in Vizslas. This neurological disorder occurs due to many factors such as injury or lack of exercise to release pent-up energy.


Hypothyroidism is another common Vizsla health problem. It’s an endocrine condition that occurs due to hormone imbalance (low thyroid levels). Usually, this condition affects the metabolism of all cells in the body.


Diabetes is another common Vizsla health problem. It’s a condition due to obesity, improper diet, or too much stress on the dog.

Hip Dysplasia or HD

Another prevalent Vizsla health problem is hip dysplasia or HD. The signs of this condition are limping on one side when the dog walks, difficulty getting up after lying down or jumping to another level without going in a straight line (they may only go upstairs one leg at a time), a change in the dog’s gait, and an attitude change.


Malo-dyskinesia is another Vizsla health problem due to brain damage, kidney disease, lead poisoning, or other factors. This condition makes it difficult for an animal to control its muscles and movements in its face.

A vet’s most common way to detect this is through neurologic examination, but other times an animal may display symptoms like drooling or difficulty swallowing.

How To Treat Health Problems And Issues In Vizslas?

There are many ways to treat Vizsla’s health problems. The first step is to determine the type of problem and what caused it, then consider how severe the condition may be – as this will affect treatment options.

First, a vet would want to identify any underlying medical conditions that may have led to or contributed in some way to the appearance of the health problem.

Once they have diagnosed what is causing Vizsla’s health issue, they will determine which treatment would be best for that particular condition. If needed, there are medications and supplements available to treat these conditions. However, it is essential to remember that some of these treatments may not always work or be successful in all cases.

How To Prevent Health Problems In Vizslas?

The best way to get rid of a health problem in your Vizsla is prevention! The following tips will help you keep your dog as healthy and happy as possible:

Proper Diet

There are many ways to prevent Vizslas from getting health problems and issues in the first place. For a healthier pet, you must give them a proper diet and provide enough exercise for their energy needs. You can also maintain an appropriate weight (fat dogs have a higher chance of developing diabetes) and avoid toxic substances (lead, pesticides).

Feed them a well-balanced diet and monitor their portion sizes to ensure they are not overeating or eating too little.


To protect the dog from heart disease or other cardiovascular diseases and conditions, they must maintain a healthy weight. You can do this by not overfeeding them and giving appropriate portions of high-quality food designed for their age group. It’s also essential to provide plenty of exercises to avoid these conditions.

Keep your Vizsla at a healthy weight with the help of regular exercise. Exercise your dog every day, but be careful about how much exercise you give them on hot days.

Routine Check-ups

It’s essential to take your Vizsla for a routine health check-up at least once a year. Moreover, you can ask the Vet for more frequent appointments if your Vizsla is between six months – two years old. Usually,  the Vet conducts the MASS test during this period (which helps identify defects in their genes).

Maintain an annual check-up schedule for your dog with a vet. Keep your pet safe from parasites with monthly treatments for fleas and ticks, heartworm prevention every six months, yearly veterinary visits, and regular dental care.

How To Detect Health Problems And Issues In Vizslas?

When Vizslas have a health problem, they will often display symptoms of their illness. These could include:

  1. Unsteady gait or difficulty getting up from lying down (they may only go upstairs one step at a time)
  2. Change in the dog’s face. It can drool and lose control over its facial muscles
  3. Difficulty swallowing or slurred speech
  4. Dizziness and head tilt (could also be the result of neurological disease)
  5. Paralysis in their back legs, which can lead to difficulties with urination and defecation

A vet’s most common way to detect this is through neurologic examination, but other times an animal may display symptoms like drooling or difficulty swallowing.

What Do Vizslas Die From?

Vizslas can die from many different causes, but some of the most common are cancer (particularly tumors), accidental poisoning, eating toxic substances like lead or pesticides, and a condition called pyometra, an infection in the uterus that leads to pus buildup.

Vizsla health problems usually include heart disease, eye infections, skin diseases, dental problems, or epilepsy. Besides these,  hypothyroidism or low thyroid levels, diabetes, HD (Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn), and Cushing’s disease are also common.


In conclusion, Vizsla’s health problems can vary from a mild issue to something more serious. Therefore, the best thing you can do is try and prevent them as much as possible. For this, you can try by giving your dog proper nutrition, exercise, and veterinary care annually.

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