Hydrocephalus In Vizsla: What You Need To Know

Hydrocephalus In Vizsla

With the popularity of the Vizsla breed, it’s no wonder there are a lot of research articles on the internet about this breed. Most adult dog owners know that they are relatively healthy. But there is a condition- Hydrocephalus in Vizsla. You need to be aware of this if you own a purebred or any dog.

Hydrocephalus is a common medical condition in dogs that can have many causes and symptoms. It usually occurs when there’s too much fluid on the brain, which could lead to blindness if pressure builds up enough around the optic nerve.

The most common symptom is an enlarged skull due to the accumulation of excess fluid in the brain. Other symptoms include seizures, lethargy and difficulty walking or standing upright because of muscle weakness in one leg or both legs – all things you don’t want your dog to experience.

In this blog post, we’ll be exploring hydrocephalus in vizslas with information about what it is, how it affects them, and treatment options for it. We’ll also discuss prevention methods and survival rates for dogs with hydrocephalus, so you can feel confident that your vizsla is in the best hands possible.

What Is Hydrocephalus In Vizsla?

I’m sure most people have heard of hydrocephalus at some point or another and might be wondering what it means for their dog.

Hydrocephalus (HCE) – also known as “water on the brain” – is a condition that occurs when there’s an excess of cerebrospinal fluid in the skull.

This liquid surrounds the brain and spinal cord. It helps to cushion the brain and spinal cord from shocks or jarring movements. Unfortunately, when this happens, excess fluid builds up inside your dog’s head as pressure on their brain increases over time due to hydrocephalic build-up.

Symptoms Of Hydrocephalus In Vizsla

The most common symptom is an enlarged skull due to the accumulation of excess fluid on the brain, but there are other symptoms too that your dog might experience if they have hydrocephalus:

  1. Seizures
  2. Lethargy
  3. Difficulty walking
  4. Difficulty standing upright because of muscle weakness in one leg or both legs ·
  5. Disorientation and difficulty responding to commands

Causes Of Hydrocephalus In Vizsla

Hydrocephaly is an abnormal brain tissue (cysts, tumors) that restricts the flow of cerebrospinal fluid. It can also be genetic in some breeds of dogs, like the vizsla.

There are many causes of hydrocephalic conditions. They usually occur due to an injury, brain tumor, or infection. You must take your dog to a veterinarian if you think he might have any head trauma. The vet can do X-rays and determine the cause of the hydrocephalus.

Hydrocephalus can also occur due to brain injuries and head trauma from accidents that increase pressure on the skull or other physical damage to their brain tissue.

Aside from being a genetic condition in some breeds of dogs, there are many ways hydrocephalus could occur:

  1. Brain injury
  2. Head trauma
  3. Cysts and tumors that restrict the flow of cerebrospinal fluid

Treatment For Hydrocephalus In Vizsla

The first step is noticing any symptoms, so if you see your vizsla has been having seizures or difficulty standing upright for a few days at a time, then it’s time to get in touch with your vet and schedule an appointment.

Some treatments for hydrocephalus are surgical, while others involve medical treatment. Your veterinarian might prescribe your vizsla anti-seizure medication or pain relief to help with any discomfort they’re experiencing. If the condition occurs due to a tumor on their brain, surgery may be necessary to remove cancer. Surgery will remove the excess fluid and ease the pressure.

There is a chance that surgery to treat hydrocephalus could go wrong if the infection is nasty or there are too many cysts on their brain tissue. So make sure your vet has experience in this area.

How To Prevent Hydrocephalus In Vizslas?

It is a tough one, and there’s not any way to prevent HCE in vizsla because it has many different causes that are primarily genetic or physical trauma-related.

You can prevent hydrocephalus in vizslas by making sure your dog gets plenty of exercises and has a healthy diet so they can avoid weight gain.

Can A Vizsla With Hydrocephalus Survive?

Yes, but it’s going to depend on the severity of their hydrocephalic condition. If you suspect that your vizsla is suffering from HCE, then consult with a veterinarian as soon as possible because the disease can be severe and lead to death if left untreated.

Can A Vizsla Puppy Recover From Hydrocephalus?

Hydrocephaly is typically a chronic disease in vizslas. So it’s not likely that they’ll recover from HCE unless there are other factors at play. On the other hand, hydrocephalus is a condition that typically progresses and worsens over time, so treatment will likely be ongoing.

Does Hydrocephalus Go Away?

No! If your vizsla has HCE, it could be life-long unless they undergo surgery or other medical intervention. It might go into remission for some time after their head injury or brain trauma. But the condition will most likely worsen.

Does Hydrocephalus Cause Permanent Damage In Vizsla?

The good news is that hydrocephaly doesn’t cause any permanent damage to your dog’s body if it goes untreated. So, for now, you and your vet should focus on treating their symptoms until they’re feeling better.

Hydrocephaly is a life-long condition for most vizslas. But with the help of your veterinarian and preventative treatments, then they’ll be able to live an average lifespan like any other dog.


What Is The Lifespan Of Vizsla?

The average lifespan of a vizsla is between 11 and 13 years.

What Is The Average Size Of Vizsla?

Male vizslas typically grow to be between 20 and 23 inches tall. And female dogs are slightly smaller at 18 to 21 inches.

What Is The Lifespan Of Hydrocephalus In Dogs?

The average lifespan of a dog with hydrocephalus is one to three months in dogs that do not receive treatment.

What Is The Average Size Of A Hydrocephalus Dog?

The average size of a hydrocephalus dog is between 30 and 40 pounds.

How Much Do Veterinary Bills Cost Per Month?

Veterinary bills can vary based on the treatments your dog needs. But you can expect to pay around $300 per month on veterinary bills.


In conclusion, hydrocephalus is a life-long and incurable condition. But it doesn’t cause any permanent damage to your dog if you leave it untreated.

The best thing you can do for now is make sure they’re getting plenty of exercises and have a healthy diet. So Vizslas don’t gain weight, because this will help prevent other health problems.

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