How To Know If Your Vizsla Is Pregnant?

How To Know If Your Vizsla Is Pregnant?

There are many things that you should know about Vizslas. Usually, the owners expect their dogs to have puppies, but there is something important they need to know before getting pregnant. In addition, a pregnant Vizsla needs a lot of care and attention. So, you should prepare well when you know your Vizsla is pregnant.

But, how to know if your Vizsla is pregnant? The most common signs that your Vizsla will show during pregnancy are higher food intake, weight gain, nesting behaviors, swollen abdomen, darkening of nipples, hormonal changes, and mammary gland development.

Despite that, you can notice a sudden change in the behavior of your dog that is expecting. So, you can find out by yourself how to tell if a Vizsla is pregnant in the following article.

How To Know If Your Vizsla Is Pregnant?

Some signs that your Vizsla might be pregnant are the following:

  1. Vizslas with high food consumption.
  2. They will not want to start eating again once they have finished their meal.
  3. They will have darkening nipples.
  4. The abdomen will begin to become rounder and more swollen.
  5. The stomach can sometimes move back and forth a bit due to them getting ready for the puppies.
  6. They may also become grumpy, less active, and be more protective of their food or toys.
  7. A pregnant dog will have a noticeable bump on its abdomen and may start having morning sickness.
  8. You can tell if a Vizsla is pregnant by taking her daily temperature, which reduces to normal levels about twelve days before the due whelping date.
  9. You also may see your dog’s vulva become swollen at the time of pregnancy.

How Soon Can You Tell If A Vizsla Is Pregnant?

The owner could notice the first changes in behavior before a veterinarian could uncover any physical evidence of pregnancy with palpations or ultrasound examinations—modifications like increased food intake. The stomach can sometimes move back and forth a bit due to them getting ready for the puppies.

If you see this happen shortly before or after eating, it could mean that the dog is pregnant. Some Vizslas might growl more intensely than usual. They might also feel agitated around other males if they’re pregnant.

The best way is if your vet does an X-ray or ultrasound when the dog goes into heat. It will show the number of fertilized eggs. Along with this, it will also show the age of the dog’s uterus.

It is important to note that Vizslas can go into heat twice a year, and each time they come out, there may be sperm waiting for them inside their uterus.

How Long Are Vizslas Pregnant?

A Vizsla’s gestation period is around 63 days. If pregnant, it means that a female dog can give birth as early as day 64 and has given birth by day 92 of her pregnancy.

The average length for a litter to be born is six puppies, but vizslas can have up to twelve in some cases.

It is also important to note that a Vizsla cannot have more than five puppies in one litter.

Most first-time mothers will give birth at night, and the average length of labor for this breed is around six hours, which can be as long as twelve.

How To Breed Vizsla?

Breeding is the process of mating a male and a female dog to produce offspring or puppies. There are many ways for two dogs to breed: natural breeding, artificial insemination (AI), an electronic stud-finder that can detect heat cycles in females, and collecting semen using a special “bitch box.”

A female Vizsla is typically in her first estrous cycle from nine to twelve months of age.

Breeding a Vizsla and mating them is the best way to ensure that it will reproduce. In most cases, this means breeding two dogs together for them to create puppies. There are some breeds where only one parent needs to be present, but there may be restrictions.

This process is dog breeding and mating. It will make a Vizsla pregnant when sperm from the male dog fertilize a female dog’s eggs. The male can be of any breed or size but needs to have potent sperm for pregnancy to happen.

How Long Can A Vizslas Labor For?

The average length for a labor period is three hours. It includes the time it takes for a dog to deliver puppies, as well as the time it may take for Vizsla to recover from giving birth.

A Vizsla generally has six puppies in each litter and can have up to twelve. The average gestation period is seventy-three days but varies by the breed of canine parentage.

Dogs give birth standing or squatting, with some breeds delivering smaller litters while others have larger ones.

If a Vizsla is pregnant and starts showing signs of labor, it is essential to contact your veterinarian immediately to help prepare for the puppy’s arrival.

In some circumstances, this process may be complex for both mother and puppies due to complications.

It is best to be proactive and keep the vet on standby for any issues that may arise. Then, they will have a better idea of what they need before the labor process starts if it becomes necessary.

One complication might include delivering puppies prematurely, which can lead to difficulties breathing or other life-threatening conditions. It is often best to have a vet on standby for these situations.

How Many Puppies Do Vizslas Have Per Litter?

A Vizsla generally has six puppies in each litter and can have up to twelve. The litter size depends on the breed of canine parentage.

It is important to note that Vizslas can go into heat twice a year, and each time they come out, there may be sperm waiting for them inside of them.

It can cause a female dog to become pregnant even without breeding by the male. In some circumstances, this might lead to confusion or frustration for owners who are unaware.

However, for first-time mothers, and in some circumstances, the process may be complex due to complications such as delivering puppies prematurely. Therefore, it is best to keep a vet on standby for any issues that arise during labor.


In conclusion, there are many questions that people have about Vizslas. The most common one is, “How to know if my Vizsla is pregnant?” If you want to learn more information on how this works and other exciting things about the breed, be sure to contact your local vet for advice or read up on it yourself by researching online.

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