21 Ways To Help Your Vizsla Live A Long Life

21 Ways To Help Your Vizsla Live A Long Life

One of the most important decisions you will make as a dog owner is putting your beloved pet down. It can be an emotional and challenging decision. But it would be best if you made this choice to honor your commitment to them. However, many factors will determine how long Vizsla will have and a few things you can do to help them live a long life.

The ways to help your Vizsla live a long life are:

  • Feeding them a healthy diet that includes lots of fiber, lean protein, and omega fatty acids like flaxseed
  • Make sure that they get to live a healthy lifestyle by getting enough exercise every day.
  • Keeping them at their ideal weight through proper dieting.
  • Give your Vizsla quality veterinary care to help detect any issues before it’s too late.
  • Keeping them up-to-date on vaccinations
  • Providing a safe environment for your Vizsla to live in.
  • Make sure that you give your dog lots of love and affection.
  • And many more.

We will discuss each of these factors in detail throughout the blog post. We hope you enjoy it!

21 Ways To Help Your Vizsla Live A Long Life

Various things will help you keep your Vizsla a little longer with you than the usual vizsla lifespan. For example, you can exercise and be active with your dog, feed them the right kind of food, take good care of their teeth, provide a safe environment to live in, try to keep them out of hot or cold weather for too long.

So there are 21 ways that I can think of off the top of my head that can make a dog have a long life – it’s essential to be aware of the factors that may affect how long a Vizsla will live and what you can do to make sure they have a good life.


Various things will help you keep your Vizsla a little longer with you than the usual vizsla lifespan. For example, you can exercise and be active with your dog, feed them the right kind of food, take good care of their teeth, provide a safe environment to live in.

Good Food:

Good food is one of the most important things for your Vizsla. You should feed them high-quality foods with low-fat content and make sure they have clean water available at all times.


Vizslas need exercise as much as they need food. You can exercise and be active with your dog, feed them the right kind of food, take good care of their teeth, provide a safe environment to live in.


Love might sound like an obvious one, but it’s crucial you love your Vizsla as much as possible so that they’re happy.


It’s essential to take good care of your Vizsla. You should ensure they are out for walks regularly. You should also pay attention to any spots that might be itchy or sore. If you notice any, you can bring them in to see the vet as soon as possible so they don’t become infected.


They need your attention as much as they need anything else, so make sure you spend time with them every day. In addition, you should bathe them regularly and brush their teeth to keep them healthy.


Cuddling is great for any living thing – it releases hormones that help us feel happy!


It would be best if you kept your Vizsla clean by bathing them once a month.

Brushing Their Teeth:

It’s crucial to brush Vizsla’s teeth at least one time per day to help prevent dental disease and make sure they have fresh breath.

Keeping Them Out Of The Weather:

One significant factor in determining how long your Vizsla will live in their living environment. Keep them out of hot or cold weather for too long.

Making Them Comfortable:

You must make sure they’re comfortable in their living environment, so when looking for homes for them, look into the size of the dog house and bedding as well as anything else suitable for them.

Routine Check-up:

It’s essential to take your dog for a routine check-up regularly. It will help you keep your dog’s health issues at bay.


It’s also essential to take your dog out on a walk at least once per day. It will help them socialize with other dogs and get their energy levels up. So they do not feel too tired throughout the day.

Even when you aren’t home, your Vizsla needs some fresh air and playtime. It will help them live longer by staying healthy.

Play Games With Them:

It’s essential to keep them happy and healthy by playing games with them. It will make you both laugh, have fun together, and also give your dog the exercise they need!

Health Care Practices:

The dog can live a long time if they receive proper health care practices, such as vaccinations and parasite prevention medication. You should also make sure to brush their teeth regularly and take them in for annual grooming sessions with the vet so that they don’t get any infections or diseases from dirty fur or bad breath.

Go For Run With Them:

If you want to keep your Vizsla healthy and happy, they must get plenty of exercise time. You can do this by taking them for a walk at least once per day or playing games like fetch with them on the weekend. Dogs need physical and mental stimulation to stay happy, so make sure you give yours plenty of both.


When you’re taking your Vizsla in for their annual check-up with the vet, they must have all their vaccines and any other necessary medical treatments done as well. If your dog needs surgery, then make sure to give them plenty of love and support throughout this process too!

Help Them Make Friends:

It’s essential to take your dog out on walks and socialize with other dogs not to become lonely.

Spaying And Neutering:

You must spay or neuter your Vizsla as soon as possible. It will help them avoid getting any diseases, and also give them a longer life.

Living Conditions:

Another critical factor in determining how long your Vizsla will live is the living conditions, such as whether or not they have access to a yard or other outdoor space for playtime and fresh air. You should also make sure that their living environment is warm enough in the winter, but not too hot or cold.

Treats And Supplements:

It’s also essential to give your Vizsla treats and supplements regularly. It will help them stay healthy, happy, and live longer.

Treats like dog biscuits are a great way to make your dog happy and keep their teeth healthy.

Supplements like omega-three fatty acids will help them stay strong, lively, and energetic throughout the day.

Factors That Determine How Long Life Vizsla Will Have

We already talked about the ways you can help your Vizsla to have a long life. But we need to talk about the factors that may play a role in determining how long your Vizsla will live.


A factor that determines the lifespan of a vizsla is genetics. Genetics might determine if your dog lives for only six or seven years, but it’s important to remember that there are always exceptions to the rule. There may be dogs with shorter life spans who are still healthy and happy or dogs with longer life spans who are not as healthy.


Another factor that determines how long your Vizsla will live is where they live. If you’re living in a city, it’s essential to make sure that the air quality is good for them because this can impact their health.


The climate you live in may also affect how long your Vizsla will live because the hotter it is, the more susceptible they are to getting heatstroke and other dangerous conditions. The cold can be just as bad for them, too, though!


Some people believe that a proper diet is the most critical factor in determining a dog’s lifespan. However, much research also time and time again proved that diet does have an impact on health. Most dogs that are healthy and active live longer when they eat a proper diet.


Dogs require love, attention, and interaction to be happy and have long lives. So if you’re neglecting your Vizsla by not giving them enough time or energy, this can also affect how long their life will be!


Another critical factor in determining your Vizsla’s life is their exercise. If they don’t get enough of it, this can affect how long they live and the quality of that life.

Living Environment:

You should make sure they’re comfortable in their living environment, so when looking for homes for them, look into the size of the dog house and bedding as well as anything else suitable for them.

Temperature Control:

Another significant factor to consider is temperature control – be careful not to leave your Vizsla outside in the cold for too long, or they’ll get sick!

Health Care Practices:

A dog can live a long time if they receive proper health care practices, such as vaccinations and parasite prevention medication. You should also brush their teeth regularly and take them in for annual grooming sessions with the vet.

What’s The Actual Lifespan Of A Vizsla?

The actual lifespan of a Vizsla is an average of 12-16 years. But if you are conscious enough, you can for sure help your Vizsla to live a long life. For this, you need to be attentive to diet, exercise, health and give them a lot of love and care.

How Old Is The Oldest Vizsla?

There are many different reports on how old the oldest Vizsla has been. But this may depend on where you live, what kind of diet they ate or if their owners took good care of them.

The oldest Vizsla to date was 21 years old.

Why Does Vizsla Have A Short Lifespan?

The lifespan of a vizsla is shorter than most dogs because they are hunting dogs that run in the field. They’re on their toes all day. It means that even though there are many factors, genetics may be the most significant factor determining how long your dog lives.

The actual lifespan of a vizsla is 12 to 14 years. The oldest living dog was 26 ( it is the longest life span for any other breed). However, most owners believe that some factors like their genetics, diet, exercise routine, etc. that contribute to their lifespan.

The main reason vizslas have a short lifespan is that their size and weight make them vulnerable to many different forms of injury. It includes things like choking, bone fractures, heart attacks, digestive issues, etc. They also tend to suffer from joint conditions amongst toy breeds such as dental problems, bloat, and PRA.

It’s essential to keep in mind that these factors only play a part in determining the lifespan of your Vizsla. You can help them live longer by providing suitable living conditions, food, and exercise!


In conclusion, the main factors determining how long a Vizsla will live are genetics, diet, and exercise routine. These three things play the most significant role in the lifespan of your dog. But there are also other important considerations such as living environment or health care practices. With proper attention to these factors, you can help your Vizsla to live a long life.

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