Do Vizslas Run Away? 4 Ways to Prevent It

Do Vizslas Run Away? 4 Ways to Prevent It

Vizsla is a dog that is very obedient, protective, and loyal. A Vizsla will often follow its owner around the house or yard without any leash attached to it. It seems like they are never going to run away, but what happens if Vizslas does?

So, do Vizslas run away? Is it normal for Vizslas to run away? Unfortunately, the answer is that not all of them do. However, there are several reasons why your dog may be running away when you’re not at home, and a lot of owners have no idea what’s going on with their dogs or how they can prevent this from happening in the future.

There are four ways that you can prevent your Vizsla from running away, including putting a good fence around your home, training them to stay indoors in your absence, giving him enough toys to play with, and educating him about the indoor and outdoor time.

This blog post talks about prevention methods for when your Vizsla runs away from home.

Do Vizslas Run Away?

No, Vizslas, don’t run away. They are very loyal and obedient dogs, so it is highly unlikely to stay away from their owners even if they find themselves in a new environment.

The truth is that Vizslas are pack animals, and if they live in a home where they lack companionship, then there might be a tendency for them to want to run away from it all to find someone who will make up for what they lack.

However, there are many other reasons why your Vizsla might run away from home. For example, you might have to deal with separation anxiety, loneliness, boredom, or the symptoms of depression in Vizsla.

Is It Normal For Vizsla To Run Away?

No, this is not the normal behavior of Vizslas. The only time your Vizsla might run away is if he feels like his owner’s attention is not enough for him. That can be caused by boredom, loneliness, or depression in Vizslas.

However, it is normal for a Vizsla to run away on occasion because this way, he will be able to fulfill his need for companionship and get the attention he deserves.

Why Do Vizslas Run Away?

Vizsla dogs are very loyal and obedient animals that stay close to their owners even in new environments. If your Vizsla runs away from home, it is always a severe sign for you to check and see why he might be running away.

Separation Anxiety:

It can happen if your Vizsla gets used to being alone in his crate after spending time with you; separation anxiety usually causes dogs to feel insecure, anxious, and restless.


Vizslas are intelligent dogs that need to be stimulated by their owners; if your dog is left alone for too long, he will find ways to keep himself entertained, which might cause him boredom, so he starts running away from home to explore the world around.


Vizslas are pack animals that need to feel like part of the family. If your Vizsla is left alone for too long, he will start running away from home to find a companion who can make him feel less lonely and isolated.

What Should You Do If Your Vizsla Runs Away?

If you notice that your Vizsla is displaying the symptoms above for at least two weeks, you might need to take him to a professional dog trainer who will teach Vizsla how to cope with his emotions and know what he needs most.

Training And Exercise:

You should make sure that your Vizslas gets enough exercise both mentally and physically for him to feel satisfied and not bored.

Security System:

You can also install a security system in your home which will alert you as soon as he leaves the house; this way, you’ll be able to find him before it is too late and punish him for running away from home.

Gps For Dogs:

As an additional precaution, you can also get a GPS for your Vizsla to make it easier for him to find his way back home.

What Shouldn’t You Do If Your Vizsla Runs Away?

Do not punish your dog with physical abuse or lock him up inside the house because this will only cause more frustration for your Vizsla.

Instead, try to understand what is causing him the urge to run away and then provide for his needs to avoid that behavior from happening again.

Avoid Physical Abuse:

Do not punish your Vizsla with physical abuse or lock him up inside the house because this will only cause more frustration for your Vizsla.

Don’t Punish Your Vizsla.

Instead, try to understand what is causing him the urge to run away and then provide for his needs to avoid that behavior from happening again.

Don’t Lock Him Up

Do not punish your Vizsla with physical abuse or lock him up inside the house because this will only cause more frustration for your Vizsla.

Instead, try to understand what is causing him the urge to run away and then provide for his needs to avoid that behavior from happening again.

Don’t Leave Him Alone.

If you notice that your Vizsla is displaying the symptoms mentioned above for at least two weeks, you might need to take him to a professional dog trainer who will teach you how to cope with his emotions and know what he needs most.

How To Prevent Vizslas From Running Away?

As you can see, there are many reasons why your Vizsla might be running away from home; hence it is necessary to take preventive measures.

Here are the things you can do to prevent Vizsla from running away:

Put A Good Fence Around Your Home

A fence around your home is the best way to keep a Vizsla from running away. However, they are pack animals, and if they feel lonely, they might find a friend and run off to play with them.

Train Them To Stay Indoors In Your Absence

Another way to prevent your Vizsla from running away is by teaching him how to stay indoors when you are not home. You can do this by providing enough toys, ensuring he has a comfortable bed, and giving him some time with his family before leaving the house.

Give Him Enough Toys To Play With

Toys like chew toys and interactive games will help your Vizsla to be more satisfied inside the house.

These toys keep them engaged and happy. Unfortunately, dogs typically run away when they are bored or lonely; this is why you must take the time out of your day to play with and exercise your Vizsla.

If he has enough toys, food, water, and a comfortable bed inside the house, then he won’t have any reason to run away from home unless you are gone for too long or if something else is wrong in his life, such as illness.

Educate Him About The Indoor And Outdoor Time

Another way to prevent Vizslas from running away is by educating him about the difference between being indoors and outdoors. You should make sure he knows when it’s time for playtime, mealtime, or sleeping because these are all things that can trigger him to want to run away.

Try Wireless Dog Collar Fence System

If you don’t have a fence, consider getting one of these wireless dog collar fences that will let your Vizsla know when he is near the boundary and prevent him from running around too much. These systems are very effective in keeping dogs indoors and will not cause any harm to your Vizsla.

Training And Exercise:

You should make sure that your Vizslas gets enough exercise both mentally and physically for him to feel satisfied and not bored.


In conclusion, you should take your dog’s running away seriously. And if you notice Vizsla running away frequently, then it is necessary to take him to a professional dog trainer. They will teach him how to cope with his emotions.

To prevent your Vizsla from running away, you should make sure that he has enough toys and exercise both physically and mentally. Reward him for good behavior as well. You can also try installing a wireless dog collar fence system to keep your Vizsla safe at home.

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