Why Is My Vizsla’s Eye Watering?

Why Is My Vizsla's Eye Watering

The eyes are one of the essential body parts in Vizsla’s anatomy. They provide a way for them to see and detect what’s around them, help with their sense of smell, and keep tears from drying out their corneas. So why is my Vizsla’s eye-watering?

There are few reasons why Vizsla’s eyes are watering. Such as allergies, trauma, parasites, upper respiratory, eye injury, diabetes, 

There could be many reasons why this is happening, but we will discuss ten possibilities below.

Why Is My Vizsla’s Eye Watering?

Watery discharge from the eye of your Vizsla is the most prominent sign that indicates your pal may be suffering from some eye disease. Besides this, there are several reasons why your Vizsla’s eye may be watering. However, some are:


Vizslas are prone to allergies because of their hair and ear structure. The dog’s fur can cause the onset of dermatitis, which also leads to watery eyes. Furthermore, eye discharge may be due to allergic conjunctivitis or vernal keratoconjunctivitis.

Vizsla’s Eye Watering Due To Trauma

A scratch or other injury near the dog’s eyes may be responsible for the watery discharge. If you are unsure what caused your Vizsla to have an injured look, it is best to take them in for a veterinary exam so medical treatment can start immediately.


Vizsla’s red-eye is due to parasitic infections (worms, fleas, and other insects). Further, parasitic infestation in the eyes causes swelling and redness on the skin, leading to watery eyes.

Upper Respiratory Infection

Suppose your Vizsla is suffering from the upper respiratory tract. In that case, it causes inflammation or infection of the conjunctiva (the membrane lining the inside of the eyelid).

Vizsla’s Eye Watering Due To Eye Injury

Injuries or infections to the eye may be causing watery eyes in your Vizsla due to redness, pain, and inflammation of the tissues around the eye. With this type of injury, it is best to call a veterinarian for evaluation as soon as possible since untreated injuries can lead to blindness over time.


Uveitis is a condition that can affect the uvea, which is a part of your Vizsla’s eye. It often presents with redness and pain around the eyeball, swollen pupils, decreased vision, or other symptoms depending on where it affects the uvea.

Since uveitis causes the eyeball to swell, its surface becomes more sensitive and can react to things that do not usually cause a reaction. It also causes some dogs to have watery eyes because they may try to relieve this discomfort by rubbing them with their paws or licking them.

Vizsla’s Eye Watering Due To Corneal Ulcer

Though many people will tell you that Vizslas have dry eyes, the reality is that they can suffer from a condition called a corneal ulcer. A corneal ulcer occurs when an abrasion or other injury damages the protective surface of your dog’s eye – in this case, his cornea and it begins to secrete fluids.

Glaucoma or Intraocular Pressure (IOP)

Glaucoma is a condition where fluid builds up inside your dog’s eyeball and causes pressure on the optic nerve, which may lead to blindness if not treated. Further, Vizsla experiencing increased intraocular pressure (IOP) will usually show symptoms of increased tearing or watery eyes.


Epiphora (watery eyes) is when the tear duct becomes inflamed and produces excessive tears. It is because your Vizsla’s eyes cannot hold the excess about of fluid made, and this fluid will flow out of sight and down your dog’s face.

However, there are many reasons why an animal might be suffering from Epiphora, so it is essential to have a veterinarian examine your Vizsla if you notice excessive watering in his eyes.


A cataract is a clouding of the eye’s natural lens. The lens, which works like a camera to focus light onto the retina at the back of the eye, becomes less flexible and may develop small cloudy patches that impair vision.

Cataracts cause a dog’s eyes to water because the eye is constantly trying to produce more tears to wash away extra protein accumulated on its surface.

Vizsla’s Eye Watering Due To Diabetes

Vizsla’s eyes might be watering due to diabetes. Diabetes in Vizslas is hereditary, but the actual cause of this disease is anonymous. Diabetes can also occur due to obesity and pancreatitis (inflammation or infection of the pancreas). Symptoms include watery discharge, sensitivity to light, excessive thirst and urination, and increased appetite.

Usually, dogs that are diabetic may experience watery eyes due to the high blood sugar levels in their body. It is because your dog’s pancreas cannot produce enough insulin.


If your Vizsla is rubbing or has discharge flowing from the eyes, this may be conjunctivitis. Conjunctivitis is an inflammation in the inner layer of eyelids and covers most of what we see as our “white part” in front of our eyeball. Viruses, bacteria, or fungi are the leading causative agent for conjunctivitis.

Dry Eye Syndrome

Dry eye syndrome is the most common cause of watery eyes in Vizslas. In this condition, the tear glands produce fewer than normal tears, which evaporate too quickly.

The symptoms of dry eye syndrome include:

  • A gritty or burning feeling in the eyes.
  • Red and watery eyes.
  • Blurred vision.
  • Sensitivity to light (photophobia).
  • Tearing when it’s not appropriate for the situation (phonophobia).
  • Crusting at the corners of the eyes.
  • Discharge from the looks.

Should I Worry About My Vizsla’s Watering Eyes?

Worrying about your dog’s eyes means you love them. There are many reasons why a Vizsla’s eyes might be watering, and most of the time, there is no need for concern or alarm. Moreover, the watery eyes of your Vizsla resolve into their normal state naturally.

However, worry about your Vizsla when it shows the following signs along with watering eyes:

  • Vizsla is not responding to your call.
  • Your dog’s eyes are red and swollen.
  • Your Vizla is avoiding light and hiding in the dark.
  • There is a clear, yellowish fluid coming out of the eye area.
  • There is a clear discharge coming from the eye area.
  • Vizsla is having trouble seeing.
  • There is a wet discharge from the eye area that has been present for more than one day.
  • Vizsla has an excessive tearing of the eyes or dark circles around their eyes.
  • The watery discharge is smelly.
  • Suppose your dog displays any of these signs in addition to watery eyes. In that case, you should take them to the Vet immediately since it may be due to infectious or noninfectious eye disease and needs treatment.

How To Stop My Vizsla’s Eyes From Watering?

If your Vizsla’s eyes are watering, it can be a sign of pain or discomfort. Besides this, excessive eye discharge might as well be irritating for your dog. So, as an owner, you have to avoid such problems in your Vizsla.

Thus, some tips that can help to stop your Vizla’s eyes from watering are:

  • Put your dog in a darkened room to relax for 15 minutes.
  • Give it eye drops by following the instructions on its package. Get some veterinary advice if you’re not sure which type of eye drops do your Vizsla needs.
  • Wash or cleanse your Vizsla’s eyes with a clean, damp cotton ball.
  • Talk to your Vet about the possible underlying causes of its watery eyes and get advice on the potential treatments at home.
  • Make sure that you do not use any eye ointment without consulting your veterinarian first, as they might cause further irritation.
  • Take your dog to a vet if its watery eyes are not improving.

Do Vizsla’s Eyes Water When They Are In Pain?

A Vizsla’s eyes may discharge water during pain because of the increased production of tears. When your dog is in pain and experiences an emotional state such as fear or sadness, he may also show signs of crying with his teary eyes.

Many dogs experience tearing from time to time due to irritants in the air, allergies, or other environmental causes. For example, foreign bodies in your Vizsla’s eye, such as dust, dirt, hair, and insects, might cause teary eyes. Or it could be due to an irritation of his eyes that affects their ability to produce tears correctly.

How To Cure Vizsla’s Watering Eye?

Sometimes, Vizsla’s eyes will water with no apparent reason. It is entirely normal. When dogs are happy or excited, they might be more likely to have tears in their eyes than when they feel sad or scared.

Moreover, there can be a medical cause for your dog’s watering eyes that only the Vet would know. Usually, the treatment procedures that the Vet adopts for curing your Vizlas’s watering eyes are:

  • Put drops and ointment in your Vizsla’s eyes. These can help dry them up or make the itchiness go away.
  • Put in eye patches to cover their eyes and heal them. Sometimes, this will take time and may require regular trips to the Vet every couple of weeks.
  • Give him medication that will cure his eye infection and stop the watery discharge from happening. It is very effective for those Vizsla’s who have chronic eye infections.
  • Flush the eyes with water to clean them out. Thus, remove parasites and other diseases so that your Vizsla’s eyes stop watering.
  • Give your dog cortisone drops that will open up his tear ducts, which can lead to fewer tears and cause him to feel better.
  • Vizsla will require surgery if the infection is by an obstruction that blocks his tear ducts.


In conclusion, if your Vizsla’s eyes are watering and seem to be constantly tearing up without any other symptoms like sneezing or a runny nose, they might have an eye infection that needs attention from your Vet. If it is because of something else such as allergies or injury, your Vet can prescribe medication for the discomfort. If, however, it is because they are in pain, your dog will need to see a veterinarian right away.

We hope that this article helped you to figure out the reasons why your Vizsla’s eyes are watering. To clear your doubts, mention them in the comments.

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