Vizsla With Arthritis: Cause, Prevention, And Treatment

Vizsla With Arthritis: Cause, Prevention, And Treatment

Arthritis is a common problem of Vizsla, which can be very painful overtimes. So, when you notice your dog showing signs of arthritis, you should give extra love and care to them. However, due to the unbearable pain, Vizsla might be anxious about it. He would never understand what’s wrong. So, as an owner, it is your responsibility to prevent, manage and treat this issue.

Arthritis is a common health issue of Vizsla that might be prevalent due to an unhealthy diet, lack of excessive exercise, genetics, improper grooming, and environmental status. But through proper care and attention, you can manage this issue and prevent it from occurring in your Vizsla.

This blog post will discuss everything about arthritis in Vizsla and how you can manage Vizsla’s arthritis pain using 10 easy steps. I hope this would be informative for you.

What Is Arthritis? Can Dog also Suffer From It?

Arthritis is a general term that refers to any condition in inflammation, swelling, or damage in one or more joints. Vizslas can suffer from arthritis just like humans do! Vizsla’s usually get it as the result of injury or aging-related wear and tear.  Vizsla’s are vulnerable to arthritis in their hips and knees due to Vizslas’ long back leg, which places more stress on the joints.

Arthritis can cause chronic pain that becomes debilitating for Vizslas (and humans). As a Vizsla owner, you may notice your Vizsla having trouble jumping or walking upstairs. Vizsla’s also may start to feel less energetic, and you will notice that they are more reluctant to go on walks or play in the yard as much.

If your Vizsla is limping excessively, this could be a sign of arthritis. In addition, Vizslas with arthritis often show signs of stiffness after resting for a while, which is more pronounced in Vizslas with arthritis. Therefore, it’s important to take them to the Vet as soon as possible.

Is Vizsla Prone To Arthritis?

Vizslas are prone to arthritis. Vizsla is a breed that does not have much joint movement due to its short legs and large body mass. This limits Vizsla’s movements, leading to leg pain when they develop arthritis as Vizslas age. 

Furthermore, Vizsla enjoys playing and jumping around. So, they are also prone to hip dysplasia, which can cause Vizsla’s pain. In addition, Vizslas have a higher incidence due to short legs and large body mass, limiting their movements, leading to pain when they develop arthritis as Vizslas age.

It is important to know that Vizslas are prone to Arthritis. Vizslas can develop the condition at any age but usually show signs of arthritis after 12 years old and older.

How To Recognize The Arthritis In Vizsla?

Once your Vizsla is more than six years old, taking them from regular health checkups and medical examinations is crucial. These exams will check Vizslas’ joints, muscles, bones, etc., to ensure that there is no inflammation or injury present before arthritis has an opportunity to set in. After this exam, the vet can provide Vizslas with medication to help with the pain.

Some tips that you can use to recognize arthritis at home are:

  • Vizslas will have trouble getting up.
  • Vizsla may have sore or swollen joints
  • They will often refuse to use one of his legs.
  • They start showing lesser interest in playing and eating.
  • Vizsla is not as active.
  • The dog has trouble getting up and downstairs, jumping on furniture, or going up steps.
  • Vizsla exhibits stiffness or lameness.
  • Vizsla seems in a lot of pain. Whining and grunting of the dog due to excessive pain.

How To Manage The Arthritis In Vizsla?

In severe cases, the only option to manage arthritis in Vizsla is through medication or surgeries.  But, if the  Vizsla is not in severe condition, you can manage Vizsla’s arthritis through these methods.

  1. Give Vizsla Vitamin D supplements daily to strengthen the bones and improve mobility.
  2. Increase Vizslas exercise levels gradually to avoid injury or re-injury. For example, start with short walks of 15 minutes each day for two days, then increase to 30 minutes, and so on.
  3. Keep Vizsla’s weight at a healthy level by feeding Vizslas the right amount of food as specified through Vizsla’s breed standard chart, which is present in Vizslas’ individual pet profile page.
  4. Provide Vizsla with soft bedding that doesn’t cause discomfort or pain
  5. Give the Vizsla water to drink so that they do not become dehydrated and can maintain a healthy weight
  6. Vizslas with arthritis may benefit from a lot of treats and extra petting to make them feel loved.
  7. Keep Vizsla’s joints lubricated with natural, edible oils. These can be animal or plant-based, and an example is coconut oil.
  8. Give Vizslas supplements that contain glucosamine to help the joints regenerate and decrease pain levels difficulty getting up.
  9. Monitor Vizsa for signs of discomfort such as limping, loss of appetite, and so on
  10. Take Vizsla for regular veterinary checkups so you will know any signs of worsening as early as possible.

What Causes Arthritis In Vizsla?

Most dogs are susceptible to bone and joint disorders due to their higher urge to play and restless movement throughout the day. And Vizslas aren’t an exception to this.

Apart from their playful attribute, there surely are some triggering factors that will induce arthritis in Vizslas. So, the cause of arthritis in your Vizsla might be  because of one or more reasons, such as:

Genes Might Cause Arthritis In Vizsla

The genetic makeup of Vislas makes them predisposed to arthritis. This is why Vizslas with Arthritis have an increased risk for developing the condition. Sometimes, genetically disposed Vizsla will most likely develop the disease even if they don’t participate in any activities that can cause it.

A Vizsla could inherit arthritis from their parents, depending on which breeds or bloodlines they come from. Vizslas are prone to hip dysplasia too. So if your Vizsla has some of these conditions, you should be aware that he might also have arthritis because it’s bad for the joints when a Vizsla already has arthritis in their hips or elbows.

Insufficient Nutrients Cause Arthritis In Vizsla

Insufficient nutrients in Vizslas is one cause because it slows down their joints; they become stiffer while being unable to move as freely. This lack of movement can lead to more stress on the joint, which may increase bone erosion.

Lack of adequate nutrition in diet can lead to Vizslas developing arthritis. The Vizsla needs the right amount of calcium and protein, magnesium, and vitamin D for its cartilage to remain healthy. When Vizslas don’t get enough nutrient-rich foods or supplements, they’re at risk for developing a type of osteoarthritis called “nutritional secondary osteoarthritis.”

Environmental Condition

Vizslas that live in colder climates can experience arthritis due to the cold weather conditions, which leads them to have less activity. And this is because breeders typically bred Vizslas for warmer environments. Conversely, Vizslas that live in warmer climates can experience arthritis because of the heat and possible over-exertion.

Further, Vizsla’s exposure to toxins or irritants like dust particles and chemicals might be present at home. These things will not only affect Vizsla’s respiratory system, but they can also affect Vizsla’s joints and bones.

Older Vizsla Are More Prone To Arthritis

With time, the immune system and functioning of Vizslas’s body decline gradually. And after they reach 11 years old, it becomes more difficult to repair the worn-out tissues and repair them. So,  Vizsla’s joints are prone to inflammation and arthritis.

Vizslas can start showing the signs of this disease as early as three years old, but it is more likely that they will get it when they reach their senior years, which occurs between nine and twelve years old. Vizsla may complain about stiffness in its legs or elbows. Vizslas can also have trouble bending their body or getting up from the ground.

Trauma Or Injury Might Cause Arthritis In Vizsla

It isn’t a surprise that Vizslas loves playing and running. Thus, they are more susceptible to injuries and trauma while playing. Usually, Vizslas gets injuries from jumping off a tree, an animal attack, accidental fall, chasing squirrels, or car accidents.

These traumas or injuries might cause Vizslas to develop the condition because of joint damage due to incidents. Injuries can also lead to inflammation in Vizslan’s joints, leading to pain and stiffness in their limbs as they age. Further, if you ignore the injuries of your Vizsla, they might lead to arthritis.

Overweight Vizsla And Arthritis

Vizslas have unconditional love for food. And when they’re not burning all the calories in their body through vigorous activities, Vizslas turn to eat as a way to fulfill their energy needs. But, unfortunately, it will lead Vizsla to gain weight, which will contribute to Vizsla’s chances of getting arthritis.

Besides this, Vizslas might also be overweight and obese due to their heavy build – this also contributes to the cause of arthritis in Vizslas because of the added pressure exerted on the joints.

Underlying Diseases

Vizsla suffering from other disorders like hip dysplasia or OCD can also lead Vizsla to develop arthritis because its bones have less room for movement. Along with this, sometimes  Vizslas, with a hereditary condition called hemophilia, can have arthritis. Therefore, you should keep Vizsla that is suffering from this disease, in close observation.

Further, Vizslas might develop arthritis in some health conditions like Von Willebrand disease, Cushing’s syndrome, and even hypothyroidism. Vizsla that has a problem with their thyroid gland can then be susceptible to arthritis as well.

Activity Level Induces Arthritis In Vizsla

People breed Vizslas for hunting for a very long time. So, these dogs are naturally active and need proper exercise with a proper diet and lifestyle.  Vizslas that are inactive and not given the right care will often develop arthritis because Vizsla’s joints have less protection from inflammation, wear-and-tear, and injury.

The best way to prevent Vizsla from developing this condition is by making sure they’re getting enough exercise with a healthy diet. Vizslas need activity to keep Vizslas healthy. Vizsla, with arthritis, needs a diet that is low in fat and high in protein, which will help Vizsla stay lean.

While it’s hard for Vizslas to stop being active, Vizslas still require plenty of rest after playing or exercising because this can lead them to their joints. So the Vet should closely monitor the Vizslas that are suffering from arthritis. And they should take medication prescribed by the vet if Vizslas is in pain or can’t move around properly.

What Can I Give Vizsla For Arthritis?

Since Vizsla are highly susceptible to arthritis, your dog might also be. Arthritis greatly impacts Vizsla’s health, so it is important to know how you might help Vizslas manage the pain they are feeling.

So, you should know how to care for arthritis. Moreover, here are few things you can give your Vizsla if it is suffering from arthritis. Such as:

  • Glucosamine
  • MSM
  • Fish Oil
  • Turmeric.
  • Omega DHA

You can get Vizsla’s arthritis under control by giving it these supplements. Vizslas are prone to having joint pain due to their breed, so that Vizslas could benefit from the help of a supplement regime. However, you need to learn more about  Vizslas and arthritis before Vizsla develops them.

What Are The Medications For Vizsla With Arthritis?

Although managing and care of your Vizsla when they have arthritis is essential,  in severe cases, only managing their health conditions isn’t effective. For this, you need to consult with the Vet for proper treatment to cure the illness.

However, the stiffness and pain caused by arthritis are manageable with medication, injections, and surgery if necessary. Medications that might help include:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen. These are available over the counter without a prescription. You can give these medications daily or when your Vizsla needs to get relief from the unbearable pain.
  • Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) like methotrexate or sulfasalazine. Usually, the Vet administers these drugs to injection to control and manage the severe arthritis cases of Vizslas.
  • Drugs that suppress the immune system to reduce inflammation can also be effective for Vizsla, who have milder cases of arthritis. But they must be intravenous (IV) because Vizla’s body fails to absorb these drugs when taken by mouth.
  • Pain medications like tramadol and gabapentin come as an oral tablet or injection, depending on the Vizsla’s individual needs.

Can You Prevent Arthritis In Vizsla?

Vizsla With Arthritis is a common disease for the Vizsla, which can start as early as age five. The Vizsla’s short and stiff legs are prone to this condition due to their long-running form of exercise: hunting on all four feet. Once symptoms appear, it will be difficult to manage Vizsla’s arthritis.

So, it is better to prevent arthritis from Vizsla. Like many other diseases, arthritis is a problem resulting from an unhealthy lifestyle and genetic disposition. However, it would be difficult to manage this problem if it is due to genetic factors.

But still, regular exercise, proper grooming, maintaining hygiene, nutritional diet, and regular health checkup can somewhat prevent the chances of arthritis in your Vizsla to a great extend.

How Can You Prevent Arthritis In Vizsla?

As Vizslas are prone to arthritis, prevention is the key. Although there are fewer cases of arthritis-related death in Vizslas than in other breeds, arthritis can cause pain and discomfort. Therefore, it is important to be proactive with Vizsla’s health care, as it will help decrease the chances of developing arthritis-related complications down the line.

There are a few things you can do to prevent Vizsla from getting arthritis:

Giving Your Vizsla A Bone

Vizslas love to chew on bones – they are a great outlet for Vizsla’s instinct of chewing and biting. Giving Vizsla quality chews like antlers or rawhide will keep their teeth clean, prevent painful tooth decay from plaque buildup, and help Vizslas get the minerals they need.

Keeping Vizsla’s Weight At A Healthy Level

Vizslas are a breed that is prone to weight gain. Keeping Vizsla in a healthy weight range will decrease the chance of Vizsla developing arthritis-related complications later on, as carrying extra weight can put pressure on joints and cause pain.

Providing Vizsla With Plenty Of Exercises

Vizslas are very active dogs, and they need plenty of exercises to stay healthy. If Vizsla doesn’t have much room in the yard, try a fetch game or teach Vizsla tricks indoors. Vizsla will be getting a great workout and having fun at the same time!

Feeding Vizsla A Proper Diet

A proper diet for Vizslas includes plenty of fresh vegetables, fruits, and protein sources like chicken or beef with some grains thrown in there as well. Being on low-quality food can cause Vizsla to develop arthritis-related complications later on.

Teaching Vizsla The “Down” Command

One of the best ways for Vizslas with arthritis is to avoid carrying weight or pain by lying down. Teaching Vizsla the ‘down’ command will allow Vizsla’s body and joints a break from time to time. As a result, Vizsla will be able to rest without any difficulty.

Ensure Vizsla Gets Plenty Of Rest

Vizslas are very active dogs, and they need plenty of sleep for their bodies to heal from the wear-and-tear that Vizslas experience every day – arthritis or not! Don’t leave your Vizsla alone out in the cold for too long as Vizsla will need time to recover from Vizslas experience with arthritis.

If Vizsla spends all of Vizsla’s time outside, give Vizslas plenty of water and shade for cool-down breaks every so often.

Keeping Vizsla’s Joints Warm

Keeping Vizsla’s joints warm will decrease arthritis-related pain. Try giving your dog a light dusting of powder on the joints or adding a cup of rice to Vizsla’s bedding.

Suppose Vizslas are still experiencing pain and discomfort from arthritis-related complications even after these preventative steps. Then, consult with your veterinarian for more ideas that may work best for Vizsla.

Should You Walk A Vizsla With Arthritis?

Your Vizsla may be in pain, but is it necessary to walk Vizslas with arthritis? It really depends on the breed of the dog. Vizslas are great athletes, and people often think that they should keep up their exercise routine when Vizsla has arthritis; however, this isn’t always true for every Vizsla. 

If Vizslas with arthritis do not have difficulty getting around or walking/running at all, then you should take them for short walks. However, Vizslas, who can still walk on their own, may not need much exercise as long as  Vizsla can go up and down the stairs. Vizslas don’t need their exercise routine disrupted.


In conclusion, with so much information about Vizsla and arthritis, we hope this helps you understand what to look for in your dog. If not, please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns that remain unanswered. We would love the opportunity to help! It’s important for a Vizsla owner dealing with an arthritic pet to remember that these dogs can be happy and healthy even if they have arthritis.

I hope this blog post has given you some great tips on how you can keep your furry friend as comfortable as possible without hurting their quality of life too much. Hopefully, it also gave you some new ideas for preventing arthritis before it happens – we know prevention is always better than treatment.

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