Hip Dysplasia in Vizsla: Are Vizslas Prone To Hip Dysplasia?

Hip Dysplasia in Vizsla: Are Vizslas Prone To Hip Dysplasia?

Vizsla is a Hungarian word that means “pointer.” Vizslas are medium-sized dogs of the sporting group, with lots of energy. They were initially bred to point out the game for hunters, but today Vizslas make excellent family pets. However, there is one question that many vizsla owners ask themselves: “Are Vizslas prone to Hip Dysplasia?”

The answer is sometimes yes. There are also first signs of hip dysplasia you should look out for so you know if something is wrong early enough! It’s important to keep Vizslas on their toes and active. This will help them stay healthy and avoid hip dysplasia! If you’re an apartment dweller or live in a small space, this dog may not be suitable for you–they need plenty of room to run around and play. But if you have the area (and the time!), Vizslas can be one of the best companions ever!

You can find more information on these topics by reading the rest of this article. We will detail what causes hip dysplasia in vizslas, how to prevent it, and how to treat the condition in your pet.

Are Vizslas Prone To Hip Dysplasia?

The answer to the question of whether or not Vizslas are prone to hip dysplasia is sometimes yes. It’s estimated that 40% of all dogs will develop some degenerative joint disease in their lifetime (Hip Dysphasia). However, this number can be higher for animals like vizsla, who have a genetic predisposition to the condition.

What Causes Hip Dysplasia In Vizslas?

The first question you might be asking yourself is, “what causes hip dysplasia in vizsla?” The answer, put, is genetics and environment. Research shows that early exposure to environmental toxins will increase your risk of developing this condition by up to 60% later in life!


Genetics is the most important thing to be aware of when it comes to hip dysplasia in vizsla. Almost all cases of hip dysplasia that have been discovered in vizslas can be traced back to an individual ancestor who had the condition. And while hips are not always entirely determined by genetics, there’s a genetic factor that causes them to pop out. In other words, Vizslas are more likely than other breeds to have hip dysplasia because they are more susceptible by birth.


It is also quite important that you keep your environmental toxins as minimal as possible if you don’t want your pet developing this condition later on in life! This includes things like cigarette smoke and pesticides, and many other things.


Finally, we will mention pet obesity which is a cause of hip dysplasia in vizslas and other breeds alike! An overweight animal has more difficulty being active, so they don’t do the daily movement that helps them stay healthy. Obesity also puts strain on joints like hips, and this increases your chances of developing hip dysplasia.

What Are The First Signs Of Hip Dysplasia In Vizslas?

You might notice these first signs of hip dysplasia in vizslas if you know what you’re looking for. However, this is not an exclusive list! For example, your pet might experience any of the following:

  • Reluctance to rise from a sitting or lying position, difficulty getting up and downstairs, trouble with jumping over objects or curbs. They may also have problems changing direction while walking.
  • Swelling around their joints (hips) when they move
  • A change in the appearance of their joints, which can be caused by arthritis
  • A popping or clicking sound when they walk. This is most commonly heard on a vizsla’s front legs and back legs, but it may also occur in other parts of the body (such as elbows)
  • Arthritis: stiffness in their joints, aches, and pains in the muscles and ligaments around the joint
  • A limp or noticeable change in gait. This may be caused by discomfort when they walk, run or jump (especially if it is more pronounced on one side than another)
  • Extremely rapid breathing rate due to pain while walking. This is also known as pain-induced panting.

How To Prevent Hip Dysplasia In Vizslas?

There are a few key things you can do to help prevent hip dysplasia in your vizsla.

Keep Off The Pounds

Monitor your pet’s weight and keep them at a healthy level. For example, avoid feeding your pet table scraps. Overfeeding can lead to obesity and can put a lot of extra stress on their joints.

  • Please give them a wide variety of food to choose from, such as dry and wet foods.
  • Feed them three times per day
  • Add fresh vegetables or fruit to their diet now and then (although this can be tricky with an active vizsla)


This includes both mental and physical activity. For example, keep them busy with interactive toys, hiding treats around the house for your pet to find (or asking them to fetch), playing an active game like tug-of-war, and taking walks with your pet.


You can give supplements to your vizslas, such as Omega-rich diets, glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate for joint health, and MSM for inflammation relief. Ask a vet about other options if these don’t work out well for you or your dog. The more you know about your dog’s health, the better.

Avoid Injury

Ensure that you wear a leash when walking your dog, so they do not strain or get injured while trying to pull away from you. Minimize the use of stairs, don’t allow them to jump out of the car, don’t carry them up flights of stairs, or anything like that. Avoid strenuous activities, such as running and jumping.

Feed A Caloric Appropriate Diet

Talk to your vet about how much food is best for your pet’s age, size, breed (such as an active vizsla), and lifestyle. Speak with them every year or so during routine checkups to ensure that your pet continues to have the correct weight.

The best step in preventing hip dysplasia is ensuring your pet has a healthy and robust diet. Ensure they get essential fatty acids, protein, vitamin C, B vitamins, zinc, phosphorus, and calcium daily. You should also avoid feeding your pet a diet that is high in calories.


Lowering their body temperature before activity or a long car ride can help prevent injury and joint stress. A twenty-minute walk will do wonders for your dog’s energy level as well as lowering their heart rate, which is important, so they don’t get too excited.

As you can see, there are many ways to help prevent hip dysplasia in a vizsla! No matter what your dog does for a living or how much time they spend on the couch, they must stay active and healthy to decrease their chances of developing hip dysplasia.

Give Plenty Of Water

Always have fresh drinking water available for your pet. These few things will help prevent hip dysplasia in your vizsla.

How To Treat Hip Dysplasia In Vizslas?

There are a variety of treatments for dogs with hip dysplasia, depending on the severity and symptoms. A veterinarian can determine what’s best for you and your pet by examining them closely and considering the following:

  • How old is your dog?
  • What are their symptoms? Do they have difficulty getting up, down, walking around, or sitting without pain? Is there a clicking noise when they walk on their front legs and back legs? Are certain joints significantly more painful than others?
  • What is the severity of your dog’s hip dysplasia?
  • Is there any pain or discomfort in other joints, such as the shoulders and elbows?

A vet may recommend a change in diet (to one with fewer calories), supplements to help increase joint mobility, weight loss if necessary, and medications. In addition, you can take them to physical therapy to treat hip dysplasia in vizslas, as well as surgery. Although not all treatments are effective for every dog, a vet will tell you what is best for your pet and why they recommend it.

How Long Can Vizslas Live With Hip Dysplasia?

If your pet has been diagnosed with hip dysplasia, it is important to know that it can still live a whole life. However, the severity of the condition will determine what kind of lifestyle changes are necessary and which treatments help them feel better.

Some dogs with severe cases may need surgery or physical therapy. In addition, some breeds are predisposed to hip dysplasia and may require a special diet or supplements.

The number of years your pet lives with hip dysplasia will depend on the severity and treatment, but it is generally said to be between four to ten years. However, some pets have been living longer than this as well! It’s all about what works for you and your dog.”


In a nutshell, there are many ways to help prevent hip dysplasia in vizslas! No matter what your dog does for a living or how much time they spend on the couch, they must stay active and healthy to decrease their chances of developing hip dysplasia.

Quick Tip: Avoid strenuous activity: Running, jumping.

Quick Tip: Give plenty of water to your dog.

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