10 Reasons Why Do Vizslas Get Aggressive?

10 Reasons Why Do Vizslas Get Aggressive

All dogs have their own unique personalities, but one of Vizslas’s most common behavioral issues is aggression. So why do Vizslas get aggressive?

We’ve got 10 different reasons to help explain why your Vizsla might be feeling a little bit more bitey than usual. It might be due to too much attention, lack of exercise, poor socialization, exposure to a new environment, lack of mental stimulation, or allergies. Along with this, the nature of your dog, painful situation, stress, and fear also provokes him to bite.

As you read further, you’ll learn about each of these reasons, as well as what you can do to help prevent and manage aggression in your Vizsla.

 Are Vizslas Aggressive?

Vizslas are often brilliant, gentle, and friendly dogs. They make wonderful companions for families with children or seniors who live in the home. Most Vizslas have the instinct to be protective of their family members and territory, but they do not have an aggressive personality type by any means.

However, under certain circumstances, any dog has the ability to become aggressive.

Why Do Vizslas Get Aggressive?

A question people usually ask before buying a Vizsla is why do Vizsla gets aggressive. Usually, these dogs are friendly and loving. But, they sometimes get aggressive. And the most common reasons why Vizsal gets aggressive are:

Vizslas Can Get Aggressive When They Get Too Much Attention

Vizsla’s are very social and want attention. But too much attention can be a bad thing. The more attention they get, the less disciplined they become, and their behavior becomes unpredictable.

Furthermore, too much food and toy that they get due to attention can create health problems. As a result, they become moody, irritated, and sometimes aggressive.

Not Enough Exercise Makes Vizslas Aggressive

Vizslas are energetic dogs that need regular exercise. And when they don’t get the proper amount of exercise, their energy can turn into aggression. When a Vizsla gets too much attention without getting enough physical activity, it will become aggressive. They may even want you to pet them all day long but refuse to do anything else.

Territorial Nature

Vizslas are natural watchdogs and will protect their territory from intruders, but they can also be territorial with people too. As a result, Vizsla’s may become aggressive when strangers come around or try to pet them without permission. Unfortunately, there is not much that you can do in this case to change their behavior.

Poor Socialization With Other Dogs and People

Vizslas have a strong instinct to protect themselves from other animals or humans, resulting in aggressive behaviors. If you do not socialize your Vizsla with other dogs or people, it will be more likely to bite them if they get too close. It is an instinct that is difficult to train out of them.

Exposure To A New Environment

When Vizsla feels like someone invaded their territory after exposure to the new environment, it becomes aggressive. If you take your Vizsla somewhere unfamiliar without socializing him first or letting him get familiar with the place, then he will not know how to act there.

Vizslas Might Be Aggressive Due To Lack Of Mental Stimulation

Dogs are social animals that need mental stimulation, and without it, they will do something just for the sake of doing it. If you fail to give attention to your Vizsla, their minds may start going wild and result in aggression. You can resolve this by providing them with enough mental stimulation.

Painful Joints, Bones, and Muscles

Vizslas may become aggressive as a result of pain in their joints or muscles. When you leave your Vizsla with an untreated injury, he will feel frustrated and agitated pain. And this can lead to aggression. Therefore, take your Vizsla for a health checkup to diagnose the injury as soon as it occurs.

Vizslas Get Aggressive Due To Personality

Some dogs may be naturally more fearful than others and/or shy away from new experiences or strangers. It can cause them to react aggressively when they feel threatened by something unfamiliar.

Vizslas Get Aggressive Due To Anxiety

When you leave Vizsla for too long, they may become aggressive. And this might be because their instinct is to protect themselves and their territory from intruders. You can resolve this behavior by giving them enough attention while they’re waiting or getting a second dog to keep them company.

Food Allergies

Sometimes Vizsla’s can have food allergies that make their skin itch and fur fall out, which will result in aggression as a reaction. Signs of food allergies are scratching themselves all the time due to itchy skin or having an upset stomach after eating certain foods. If you think your Vizsla has food allergies, you should consult a veterinarian.

How To Understand Aggression In Vizslas?

Aggression is usually a result of an underlying issue that you need to resolve. Aggressive behaviors can happen for many reasons and are often due to pain, stress, or anxiety in your dog’s body. When we understand the cause of Vizsla’s aggression, it becomes easier to resolve this behavior.

Moreover, different types of aggression with their signs are:

  • Territorial aggression: barking, growling, and chasing with the intent to scare
  • Fearful or defensive aggression: tight-lipped mouth, tucking tail between legs, cowering down, and possibly yelping
  • Playful aggression: brief aggressive behaviors that due to the owner’s positive response
  • Defensive aggression: growling, biting, and lunging
  • Attention seeking aggression: barking, whining, jumping
  • Protective aggression: barking, growling, snarling in defense of others
  • Dominant or protective aggression: territorial behaviors with the intent to control other dogs

How To Resolve Aggressive Behaviors In Vizslas?

Vizslas are an enthusiastic, active, and intelligent breed. Their intelligence is often a border on the line of stubbornness as they like figuring out new problems for themselves. However, they also have a strong instinctual drive which doesn’t always align with human expectations or needs. It can be both good and bad, depending on the situation.

But we do have some ways to resolve the aggressive behavior of your Vizsla like:

  • If your Vizsla is exhibiting aggressive behavior, the first thing that you should do is take him to a veterinarian. It helps to detect whether it is a health issue or not.
  • It is also important to provide him with a safe place to retreat, something that he can call his own.
  • If your Vizsla continues the aggressive behavior after these steps, it might be time for the professional help from a trainer or dog behaviorist.

Some training methods that you can use to manage the aggression of your Vizsla are:

Leash Training

Leash training will help you to have more control over your Vizsla. Giving them the freedom they need while still giving them some sense of security and reducing their chances for aggressive behavior. You must train your dog on a leash. It is because these dogs love to explore and travel far distances when they are out.

Command Training

Command training is another way to help you have more control over your Vizsla. If you have a Vizsla, you must teach him various commands. Iit will help you stop, give direction, and manage your dog’s behavior when you are out.

Positive Reinforcement Training

Positive reinforcement training is another way to help you have more control over your Vizsla. Vizsla loves it when you praise. Also, these dogs love the toys and treat you give for reinforcing them. So, positive reinforcement training will encourage your dog to follow positive attributes more. 

Desensitization Training

The desensitization technique will help your Vizsla work through their fear or aggression issue. You would need a helper with this training technique. They will be responsible for creating a scary environment but become more comfortable every time they practice.

Exposure Training

One of the best ways to resolve aggressive behaviors in Vizslas is to help them get familiar with the thing that bothers them. For example, if they are aggressive around other animals, take your Vizsla for a walk with another person and their pet dog or cat.

What To Do When Vizsla Is Aggressive To People?

When your Vizsla is aggressive towards people or animals, it can be difficult to know what to do to resolve the issue. There are many different ways that aggression manifests itself, and there’s no one way to stop it.

If your Vizsla is aggressive towards people:

  • Try to avoid contact with the dog by giving him space and taking extra precautions when you need to walk past him or pet him unexpectedly. Keep in mind that dogs sense fear. So, if you feel scared of them, they’re likely to become more aggressive because they will see you as a threat.
  • Distract your Vizsla by giving him a chew toy and telling yourself, “No,” to avoid making contact.
  • Try to keep your hands in front of you and maintain eye contact with the dog to make sure he knows that you are not afraid and distracted so that he doesn’t lunge or bite at you.
  • Try to keep your dog on a leash and away from any children.
  • Avoid looking down on the animal because they will assume you are vulnerable and may provoke an attack.

What To Do When Vizsla Is Aggressive Towards Other Pets?

Dominance is a powerful trait in Vizslas. However, it can be a good and bad thing, depending on how you handle it. For example, sometimes your Vizsal becomes territorial when you introduce a new pet in the house or when they see unfamiliar animals outside.

It’s natural for Vizslas to be protective over their home and family. But it can also become aggressive when they feel like someone is threatening their territory.

Thus, you can follow the following tips when Vizsla is aggressive towards other pets:

  • Keep your Vizsla on a leash when you’re outside. It will help keep them from getting too close and personal with others and have the ability to pull back if needed.
  • Keep the animal at least six feet away from all other animals, but try not to let it run loose because this may cause more problems. If you can’t control your Vizsla, put him in his kennel and keep him there until he calms down.
  • Introduce new pets slowly to get familiar with each other in a controlled setting without any territorial disputes. For example, you may want to have both pets on leashes so that they can explore each other’s territory without being able to get into a disagreement.
  • Work on training your Vizsla to be peaceful by teaching it not to jump up or rush at other dogs without warning, as this may result in a fight.


Aggression is difficult to understand, but we can help you get your Vizsla back on track with the right knowledge and resources. Usually, aggression is due to pain, and health issues need the assistance of a veterinarian before you can address and resolve them through training.

If you have any questions about this blog post or want to know more information on Vizsla aggression, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today!

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