Why Does My Vizsla Grunt?

Why Does My Vizsla Grunt

Every dog has their way of communicating, but Vizslas have a strange and unusual vocalization that can be hard to decipher. Why does my Vizsla grunt? Do they do this so often? Why is it happening all the time now? These are questions that many owners ask themselves when their dogs start grunting. 

So, why do Vizsla grunt? There isn’t one specific answer for this question. Vizsla might grunt due to pain, possessiveness, boredom, anxiety, fear, and excitement. Besides this, grunting can sometimes be a warning sign of health issues like respiratory problems, laryngeal disease, GIT disorders, and many more.

This article will provide insight into what these grunts mean and how you can help your Vizsla stop doing it.

Why Does My Vizsla Grunt?

Grunting, or coughing noises, cause due to a sudden intake of air followed by the release of that same amount. What may not be as clear is what your Vizsla’s grunts mean and why they do it in the first place. So why does Vizsla grunt?

Firstly, let us dispel some common myths like :

  • They are trying to tell you something.
  • It’s because they’re feeling lonely or neglected.
  • Your dog is sick and needs your attention.

Grunts can have several reasons for happening, such as:

Vizsla Might Grunt Due To Respiratory Problems

In some cases, vizsla grunt’s can be due to respiratory problems. For example, if your Vizsla has trouble breathing or coughing frequently, this may be the issue. Usually, dogs suffering from respiratory issues like asthma, bronchitis, and pneumonia will grunt because they need to breathe.

Laryngeal Diseases

There are many possible causes for a dog to grunt, but if your Vizsla is grunting and has no other symptoms, it may be due to laryngeal diseases. The laryngeal disease affects the voice box, which can lead to coughing or wheezing sounds when breathing.

Furthermore, laryngeal diseases can also cause difficulty swallowing. So, your Vizsla might be drooling or inhaling food along with grunting due to these diseases.

Vizsla Might Grunt In Pain

Vizsla is susceptible to various health issues like Chiari-malformation, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, and Intervertebral Disk Disease. As well as, these dogs are playful and more likely to run off, get into trouble, and injured themselves. All these things lead to unbearable pain. Thus, they will grunt out of pain.

Besides this, they will also grind their teeth if the canine might have ear mites because it is painful.

Gastrointestinal Problems

Since Vizsla loves eating, they will eat any and everything. Thus, stomach issues aren’t uncommon for these dogs.

The most digestive issues for Vizslas are constipation, diarrhea, and vomiting. Besides this, gastroenteritis, ulcerative colitis, and irritable bowel syndrome also affect these dogs.

As a result of these issues, Vizslas may also grunt as a sign of pain due to gas, bloating, or stomach cramps.

Vizsla Might Grunt In Possessiveness

One of the biggest reasons for the grunting of Vizsla is because they are about to be possessive. If a dog feels like its territory or space infringe, it may grunt to warn others not to do so again. The sound might also come out if another animal wants something that belongs to the dog or feels like another animal is trying to take over their space.

Vizsla Might Grunt Due To Boredom

Vizslas are one of the most active breeds. They need a lot of mental and physical stimulation, so they don’t feel bored quickly. Thus, if they are all alone and start grunting, it will likely be because they feel bored.


Most of the time, Vizsla are friendly and loving to their owners and strangers. But sometimes, they might grunt as an aggressive call for defending its territory. In this case, the Vizsla is simply trying to scare off intruders, and it’s not just a sign of agitation with you.

Grunts can also occur when the dog feels anxious either because its owner isn’t around or a stranger approaches. When your dog grunts in this situation, it can be an indication that he’s feeling territorial. So, it wants to mark his territory as yours, which can also happen when you leave for work.


A Vizsla is naturally a vocal dog and will grunt for attention. But, on the other hand, it might be from boredom or anxiety. If the grunts come from an anxious pup, they may need more exercise to burn off that extra energy.

Besides this, these dogs love being around people and will grunt to get the attention of their humans.

Fear And Anxiety

Fear is pervasive and has many reasons related. When your dog feels threatened, it may produce a growl or even an aggressive bark. But sometimes, dogs will emit a low-pitched grunt, which is “vocalization.” If your dog is growling, he may be anxious about something in the world around them, and that’s why he’s trying to protect himself.

Vizsla Might Grunt Because Of Excitement

Some Vizslas are famous for their vocalizations. They have a wide range of grunts, growls, and whines to communicate with each other and humans in the household. The most common reason is that your dog may be excited about something. Some examples include when you come home from work, your Vizsla sees a squirrel outside, or when they find their favorite toy. In these cases, it’s common for them to vocalize that happiness by grunting.

Vizsla May Grunt As Warning Signs

As there is a language barrier between you and Vizsla, they may grunt as a warning to tell you that they are uncomfortable with the situation. They will also groan when they want to play, greet or eat.

Besides this, they also grunt to alert you of any potential danger. Vizsla is a very vocal dog, both physically and verbally. Vizslas are not far from wolves in their behavior, so they grunt when they warn other dogs about food or territory intrusions. You may also notice them snorting before going into the water because it can be an intimidating sound to other dogs.

What To Do When My Vizsla Starts To Grunt?

When you notice your Vizsla grunting, it could be for a variety of reasons. So, the steps you should enforce while your Vizsla printing also varies according to the cause.

However, here are some things you need to do when your Vizsla starts grunting:

  • Look for any possible sources of discomfort, such as cuts in the feet or other injuries.
  • Check if anything is bothering your Vizsla with some slight movements and see your response from the dog.
  • Try to speak to a veterinarian who can help identify what could be causing this sign.
  • Offer your dog something to drink if it’s hot or dry outside, as this could cause discomfort.
  • Ensure that the air is not too cold for your Vizsla, so he doesn’t grunt.
  • Be aware of any other possible causes and allow them to calm down if they are grunting due to aggression or fear.

Does Vizsla Grunt When Relaxing?

A Vizsla may grunt when they feel either relaxed or bored. When relaxing, the dog will have a slower breathing pattern and might start to snore. Some people believe that this can lead to lethargy in dogs, leading to health issues down the road. If your dog starts grunting while resting, it’s essential to get up and start moving.

And this is particularly important if your dog has any respiratory issues or other medical conditions which increase by restlessness during the day. So if you need to give them a break, try playing with them in an area where they have plenty of room to run around or take a walk together near some exciting smells. Anything stimulating will do the trick.

Why Is My Vizsla Grunting When Breathing?

The most common cause of your dog’s harsh breathing is an issue with their throat, lungs, or sinuses. All these are not severe medical conditions, and you can address or cure them through medication and care.

But some health issues like heart disease, cancers, or thyroid problems can also cause your dog to grunt when they breathe. Since these diseases are fatal, you must take your Vizsla for a health checkup to find out the root cause of their grunting.

How To Stop Vizsla’s Grunt?

Vizslas are famous for their vocalizations. These can range from low, muffled barks to high-pitched yips and howls. Sometimes Grunts might be an indication of excitement, happiness, or an invitation for playing or cuddling.

But if you hear grunts in response to normal activities or while your dog is relaxing, then it might be due to discomfort or pain (a sign your dog is sick).

However, to make your dog socially acceptable, it is crucial to stop its grunting habit. Thus, some tips you can follow to stop grunting are:

  • Ensure you are constantly feeding your Vizsla high-quality dog food. It will ensure that they get all the nutrients and vitamins they need for their health.
  • Check with a veterinarian to see if there is anything, in particular, going on, as it could be indicative of an underlying issue.
  • Keep your home free from drafts, so your Vizsla doesn’t have to work harder trying to stay warm.
  • Provide enough training sessions with your Vizsla so he can learn and follow commands.
  • Provide enough exercise for your Vizsla to remain healthy and happy, but not too much, as they tend to get lazy when they are constantly active.
  • Avoid stressful situations that might stress or trigger anxiety in a dog, such as loud noises or unfamiliar people/creatures.
  • Always give your Vizsla some space and time when you introduce new people to them so they can get familiar with the idea and eventually be friendlier.
  • Give adequate attention to his mental health by providing some games/toys that will keep him entertained.


Furthermore, Vizslas love to make physical contact with their humans. They are constantly seeking out opportunities for some petting, and they will often paw at you or jump on your lap to have a little cuddle time. But grunting can be an issue in the safety of your family members.

Thus, good food, proper training, adequate attention, and regular health checkups are necessary to make your Vizsla disciplined and reduce its grunting.

Moreover, I hope this article has provided you with some valuable tips to stop your Vizsla from grunting so that you can enjoy your relationship with them for many years to come.

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