Vizsla Parasites Protection: How To Protect Your Pet?

Vizsla Parasites Protection

Vizsla is a beautiful dog with a gentle and loving spirit. Vizslas are wonderful family pets, but they are also at risk of developing parasites such as worms or heartworms. Parasitic infection results due when Vizskla comes in contact with infected animals. So you must know about Vizsla parasites protection.

Vizsla is an energetic dog breed that likes playing and running outdoor. So, parasites protection is crucial for the health of Vizsla. The best ways to protect your dog from parasites are regularly cleaning Vizsla’s coat, maintaining a hygienic environment, vaccination, proper grooming, and a nutritious diet.

In this post, we will discuss the different types of parasites that Vizslas may encounter within their everyday lives and what they should do if they get one.

Do Vizslas Have A Parasite?

Yes, Vizslas can have a parasite or worm infection in their system, which easily affects one Vizsla. So it’s always best to protect Vizslas against these types of infections by giving Vizsla parasite protection.

How Can Vizslas Get Parasites?

Parasitic infection is a common problem in Vizsla breeds. Vizslas are susceptible to many kinds of parasites, from flea infestation and heartworm disease to hookworms or roundworms.

However, Vizslas gets a parasitic infection when they

  • eat uncooked meat or eggs, especially if the Vizsla can hunt for their own food.
  • Have contact with soil that contains parasite eggs from another animal’s feces and then licks its paws or fur.
  • Gets in contact with contaminated water.
  • have eaten an infected rodent, bird, or frog
  • a Vizsla can also become infected when they hunt rodents or other small animals and then lick their paws after being outside.
  • eating plants from a garden plot where there is an infestation of parasites, such as roundworms or hookworms
  • Coming into contact with animal manure that contains parasite eggs
  • touching their nose to a contaminated surface and then licking it off, such as wiping its mouth on grass.

Why Is Parasites Protection Necessary For Vizsla?

Parasites can affect Vizslas in a variety of ways and need immediate treatment if they are present. The parasite hurts Vizsla’s health and physical appearance because it usually causes hair loss or skin irritation, making them look unkempt. Some Vizslas also have a problem with shedding.

It’s important to protect Vizslas from parasites because they can cause them great harm and more serious issues if left untreated. Vizsla parasites protection is not only for the Vizsla. It’s necessary for their owners as well so that they don’t get sick too. Vizslas can carry parasites in their digestive system, which may contaminate their food and affect humans through contact with them.

How Do You Know If Your Vizsla Has A Parasite?

This question is crucial to Vizsla owners. If you fail to protect Vizsla from parasites, like worms and ticks, they can cause Vizsla serious health problems. So, it is essential to know whether your Vizsla has parasites or not. It will help in early diagnosis and treatment.

Thus, the symptoms of parasitic infection in Vizsla are:

  • diarrhea
  • constipation
  • vomiting
  • loss of appetite or weight
  • reduced activity level
  • licking their rear end excessively (due to irritation)
  • change in bowel habits

What Are the Parasites That You Need Protect Vizsla From?

Some Vizslas might be more susceptible to parasites than others. Vizsla puppies have the risk of infection due to their immature immune system. They could live in a location with greater exposure to several worms and other parasitic organisms.

However, the common parasites in Vizslas are:

Toxocara Canis (Dog Roundworm)

Toxocara Canis is a type of parasitic roundworm that infects the Vizsla’s intestines.  Puppies or dogs ingesting their mother’s feces suffer from roundworm infection before weaning, but contact with infected animal stool and soil also transmit it. Symptoms of the infection include coughing and wheezing, vomiting, diarrhea (which may contain blood), weight loss, decreased appetite, or lethargy.


Roundworm is a parasite that is the most common in Vizslas and causes vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss, anemia, liver problems, and a variety of other symptoms that can lead to death if left untreated for too long. Roundworm eggs passed through stool or contaminated water; they hatch inside the Vizsla’s body into larvae which burrow through the intestinal wall and into the Vizsla’s bloodstream.


The larvae of these worms attach themselves to the Vizslas intestine, sucking nutrients from their host, leading to weight loss and anemia, and other symptoms, including vomiting and diarrhea. Tapeworm eggs passed in the stool, or your dog ingests them when Vizslas lick their fur and ingest eggs that have fallen off.


Hookworm is a type of parasitic roundworm that infects Vizsla. Vizsla suffers from this infection when an infected animal bites or licks them. Hookworms attach themselves to the Vizslas intestine, sucking nutrients from their host, leading to weight lo, anemia, and other symptoms, including vomiting and diarrhea.


Lice are also common in Vizslas and may vary from a minor, self-limiting condition to an infestation that requires veterinary treatment. Parasitic louse eggs are often present on the Vizsla’s coat or hair, and your dog can pass through contact with other animals. Symptoms of lice infestation include hair loss, itching, and scratching.

How Can I Protect My Vizsla From Parasites?

Vizslas are prone to intestinal parasites. Antiparasitic medicines such as fenbendazole and pyrantel for Vizsla dogs, but you cannot use this for a long-term solution. The best way to protect Vizslas from parasitic infections is as follows:

  • Clean the Vizsla’s living quarters with a disinfectant at least once a week. Remove feces, urine, and other waste from kennels or litter boxes daily to prevent eggs from hatching in moist soil. Keep Vizslas away from areas they have soiled until you clean them with a disinfectant.
  • Feed Vizslas a high-quality diet with plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits to provide healthy nutrients. Vizslas do not produce enough stomach acid for proper digestion, so they require more fiber in their diets than other breeds.
  • Keep Vizsla’s weight under control by feeding them as little as possible before exercise. Feed Vizslas at least twice a day, but not more than three times. Vizslas tend to overeat and gain weight easily.
  • Wash Vizsla’s bedding at least once every two weeks in hot water or dry clean it with an enzyme cleaner such as Vizsla Parasites Protection.
  • Never give Vizslas raw or undercooked meats, eggs, or milk products because these items may contain organisms that Vizslas cannot digest properly and lead to an intestinal infection.
  • Keep Vizslas away from other animals carriers of parasites such as fleas, ticks, and rodents.
  • Take Vizslas to the veterinarian at least once a year for routine checkups and fecal tests.

What Can I Give My Vizsla For Parasites?

Vizslas are prone to parasites. Therefore, parasite protection is necessary for Vizslas, especially when they have a compromised immune system or live in an area with dangerous pests like fleas and ticks.

Moreover, the things that you can give your Vizsla suffering from parasites are:

  • Flea and tick medication or a prescription drug from your veterinarian.
  • Garlic is a natural way to protect Vizslas from parasites. You can give it orally, rub on the skin, or place it in their bedding.
  • Brewer’s yeast also helps Vizsla fight off worm infection and other diseases caused by parasites.
  • Cough syrup containing thyme or a cough suppressant that contains menthol, such as Robitussin DM.

The Vizsla’s parasites should go away within two weeks of starting treatment. However, if they don’t after two weeks, you should take Vizsla to the veterinarian.

Do Vizsla Parasites Go Away?

In most cases, Vizsla Parasites will go away on their own. However, the length of time it takes for Vizsla to get rid of parasites depends on the type and severity of the parasite itself and how healthy Vizsla’s immune system is. But in some cases, Vizslas may need medical help to get rid of Vizsla Parasites.

Further, early diagnosis of parasitic infection is helpful for effective and faster treatment. Therefore, you should take your Vizsla for regular health checkups and consult with the Vet as soon as you see them acting abnormally.

How Do You Get Rid Of Worms In A Vizsla Without Going To The Vet?

Parasitic infection in Vizsla is more frequent than you may think. In addition, Vizsla is not immune to the invasion of parasites and worms that can cause a lot of damage in Vizslas as potential carriers. So, consulting the Vet every time your Vizsla has worms or parasites might be a little bit costly. Here are some natural ways to get rid of Vizsla worms and parasites without going to the Vet:

  • If Vizslas have roundworms, you can buy a few pieces of fresh pineapple that they should eat in small doses every day for two weeks. This will gradually expel them from your Vizsla’s system naturally.
  • If Vizslas have tapeworms, you can give them boiled eggs regularly for three weeks.
  • To exterminate parasites in Vizsla’s gut, boil a few carrots with Vizsla’s favorite veggie for a few weeks.
  • To get rid of Vizsla tapeworms, you should give raw potato skins every day for two months or until their system is clear from parasites.
  • You can also boil Vizslas’ favorite vegetable with a clove of fresh garlic for about ten minutes, and Vizslas can eat it.
  • To get rid of Vizsla roundworms, you should give Vizslas raw lime that can gradually eliminate roundworms from their body and expel worms naturally.

As always, consult the Vet before trying any of these natural ways to get Vizsla worms and parasites.


In conclusion, Vizsla parasites protection includes knowing the different types of parasites that Vizslas can be at risk for. However, Vizslas are also prone to several other ailments and diseases. All in all, it is important to know your Vizsla’s specific risks before taking any action regarding their health care or diet. Therefore, Vizsla Parasites Protection is an important consideration, but it does not cover everything.

You’ve come a long way with this post. We hope you found the information useful and that it has helped answer some of your questions about Vizsla parasite protection! Now, if you have any other questions or would like to discuss how we can help protect your dog from parasites, please let us know. We are always happy to resolve your doubts.

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