Vizsla Color: Shades, Age & More

Vizsla Color: Shades, Age & More

Vizsla is a dog breed from Hungary. The word “Vizsla” means “pointer” in Hungarian, and this is the primary hunting role that Vizslas play. Owners usually use them as companions for hunters because of their gentle demeanor. Vizslas are also famous for being brilliant and courageous dogs. But what about the coloring of Vizsla? Do you know what color do Vizsla usually comes in?

Vizsla coloring is usually a shade of golden rust or red, but no exact color can describe the breed because they tend to change their colors with age. For example, golden Vizslas become lighter as they grow older while Red ones turn reddish-brown.

If you are planning to get a Vizsla, you might be wondering what color your pup will be. There are many different variations of the color, including golden rust vizslas, red Vizsla, or golden Vizsla. In this post, we will talk about Vizsla’s color description, vizsla shades, and age.

Vizsla Color Information

If you are keen to have a pet such as Vizsla, you need to have enough information. Or else someone can make a fool of you and make you take home some other pup in place of Vizsla.

One of the distinctive features of Vizsla is its color. Golden Vizslas have a lighter coat color than the red or golden rust ones, and they usually don’t turn white until they are 14 years old.

Hence, let’s see what colors are common ones in Vizsla:

Golden Rust Vizsla

The golden color is the primary color of this breed. However, Vizslas are usually lighter in the shade, especially when Vizslas gets older and their coat turns white or golden brown.

Red Vizsla

This coloring occurs only on purebred vizslas with no other parent breeds involved. Unfortunately, it means that you can’t breed red Vizsla by crossing golden-rust with red. This color is also rarer than golden-rust Vizsla, but it’s more common in females while males are usually light brown or dark red.

Gold Vizsla

Gold coloring on the coat of a dog breed can be present in some other species as well, such as Golden Retriever and Labrador Retriever. Usually, this is present in Vizsla, but it’s infrequent and sometimes even considered a fault when competing for show or field event competitions.

Are There Grey Vizslas?

Yes, vizslas come in different colors, and there are some that turn white with age. Also, some of them get a grey tint to their coats because of the color variation. The grey hair on the vizsla coat is usually a sign of aging, and it’s present in both males and females.

Do All Vizslas Turn White?

No, not all vizslas turn white because of their age. But some do get a grey tint to their coat from time to time due to the color variation they have on it at certain times, and that is how they can usually stay well-matched with other breeds.

When a vizsla turns white, it usually means that it is old. But there are also other factors. For example, some vizslas turn white from the color variation against their coats due to aging. And in some instances, this is because of pure genetics.

The grey tint on the coat of a vizsla is permanent at some point in its life which means that it still has brown colors underneath but with a shade of grey or silver line, not pure white.

Here’s an example: If you see a golden rust vizsla today, it would probably be better off than if you find one next year where there will be more wrinkles and scales on its skin, and the body will start to shrink.

Do Vizslas Come in Black?

No, there are no vizsla breeds that come in black color. It is because they have different genes for their coat, so it’s not possible to produce a breed with black fur or skin. So they don’t usually mix features from other species at all.

At What Age Do Vizslas Go Grey?

Most Vizsla turns white at the age of 14. However, there don’t go grey until they reach 16 years old, and this is because their genes for coat colors have a variation on them that can make them stay brown but with a tint of silver or grey color to it.

There are many theories about why Vizsla turns grey with age. One of the theories is that it is a result of genes. The other view is that it could be from the color variation they have on their coats at certain times.

It’s usually a matter of genetics, and some turn white because of this reason. However, some also turn grey at a later age because Vizslas’ coat has a tint of silver or grey, which is when they’re old.

There’s not just one theory as to how vizslas get this way but several different ones that can mean other things for the dog in question, and so it’s essential to know which one you’re dealing with first.

Do Vizslas Get Darker With Age?

Some vizslas get darker with age, but they usually don’t go any other color than brown. Unfortunately, this means that they will not go for black or silver color as well.

They usually stay brown with age, but some turn white or grey later, which can be from the genes they have passed on to them by their parents and ancestors.

Do Vizsla’s Turn Other Colors?

No, there are no reports of that happening to a vizsla. So it is not possible for them to turn into another breed or anything else entirely different from what they were born as.

Some of the reasons why Vizslas color changes are:

  • Genetics or pure breed of the dog
  • As they age, their coat changes color, and this is usually because of genes passed on to them from parents.
  • Breed of the dog and the color of their parents
  • Color variation at certain times, and so it often changes back to other colors as well.
  • Health, illness, or injury can also cause a dog’s coat color to change. For example: if Vizslas have anemia, then there will be a lack of iron in their blood. And this causes them to turn pale because red blood cells need iron to develop correctly.

How To Maintain The Color Of Vizsla?

To maintain the coat color, you will need to ensure that you feed your Vizslas with proper food containing more than just meat. You should also brush them regularly and give them baths if necessary.

If you want to maintain your Vizsla’s color, you must provide them with a high-quality diet. Also, to keep the coat’s good pigment, brush them regularly and give them baths as needed.


In conclusion, it is essential to know about Vizsla coat color information so that you can care for your pet in the best way. It also helps when they are old and need special attention because of their age as well.

No vizsla breed comes in black because of their different genes. But some do get darker with age while still being brown at all times. The most common colors for vizslas are Golden Rust, Red, and Golden.

Moreover, with the increasing popularity of Vizslas, the breeders are investing their time and money to cross-breed different types of these dogs. As a result, we might see many more colors of Vizslas soon.

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